Come undone

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"Ow fuck! It shot something at me." JoJo said , examining his/her arm. They saw a bruise with a little bleeding.

JoJo saw what hit them in the ground, and pick them up.

"Are these a finger?" JoJo said confused . Then suddenly the fingers flew out of JoJo's hand, in the direction it was shot.

Stand name-  Come undone

Reference - Duran Duran song

Appearance -

Lean built humanoid, it skin made of a patch work puzzle pieces & crossword boxes. It's colored scheme is mostly light green & dark pink.

It's eyes are bitter by a dark red, but the eyes itself is a pale yellow.

Stand type-  Humanoid/long range

Stand stats-

Power: C speed: C Durability: C Range: B Precision: D Potential: C

Ability -

Body part projectiles -

Come undone can separate portions of its body, and launch it forward as projectiles.

The body part projectiles can range from small as a finger tip, to larges as an entire limb.

Can shoots its fingers like bullet, or launch its hand to punch people from a distance.

Body recall-

The body parts that has been shot off, can be recalled back to the stand at the user will.  Beside the obvious reloading, it  gives come undone a variety of uses.

Come undone can launched its hand and have it grab onto something. If it weighs less the the user them it will be pulled forward to the stand, as the appendages is called back.

But it weighs more than the user, then the user will be pulled forward. The user can user this for mobility, by having is disconnected hand grab an high areas and fly up.

Can shoots it leg, recall it back to knock people off their feet.

Weakness -

The body part projectiles are limited to the actual stand body, if it shot a finger there would only be 9 left.

The smaller the body part shot forward, the further it travels distance but less force it has. The same for the opposite,launching bigger portions of the body deal more damage, but at a much shorter distance.

Once a limb is shot forward, it leaves the script very vulnerable. For example if it shot it foot for a kick, it can't exactly walk away.

Stand user-

Stand cry-

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