West end girls

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Stand name- West end girl

Reference - Petshop boys song "West end girls"

Appearance -

Humanoid female stand, a little bit taller than its users. It appears to be wearing bright yellow shades over where it's eyes are. The rest of its body is jean blue.

"West end girl" , has four mini red doors in its waist front,back, and sides. That can be open showing a hollow center.

A smaller set of mini doors are found in "west end girl" wrist.

Stand type- Humanoid/mid range

Stand stats-

Power: C speed: B Durability: C Range: C Precision: D Potential: C

Ability -

Doorway connections-

West end girl, can create connections between any two door ways . Allowing the user to travel long distances by accessing doors.

Example: walking out your home's front door and reappearing through the door of an apartment or a bank miles away.

"West end girl" can used this for escaping or stealth, by being able to instantly go through doors a long distance away. Can also trick an enemy to walk through an effected door and leaving them stranded through a random door possibly miles/kilometers away.

The definition of a door can be negotiated

Weakness -

The connections are random, the door ways can lead to undesirable places. To connected two specific doors needs more effort, and requires knowledge of the other door's exact location.

Require a door for the ability to take effect and for it to be closed first then open.

Locked doors can be an issue.

Stand user-

Stand cry-

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