"Don't really care if they think it's good or bad, as long they react"
Stand name- Teenager
Reference - My chemical romance song
Appearance -
Tall athletic built humanoid female stand, her faces is divided between vertically half black & white sides.
Her mouth is cover by a black gas mask filter, her eyes are jagged shaped red glass.
She wears a black & white short skirt with downwards pointing red tips. Over her black torso is a big white x, she has a bold red T on each shoulder.
At the center of her chest is a literal moral compass.
Stand type- Close range
Stand stats-
Power: B speed: B Durability: B Range: D Precision: C Potential: B
Ability -
Morality inversion-
Can swap the positive or negative moral reaction to a specific action .
While still keeping the same intensity, everyone perspective is altered to opposite moral direction. Making a good or normal act seem worse than it really is, and vise versa.
The victims will instinctively try to justify and find reasons to why they feel this way.
Can make robbing a store seem like a good and noble thing to do.
Can make giving money to the poor feel like bad or selfish thing.
Morality inversion can be used to manipulate people, making them do things they normally wouldn't do. Like guilting them for doing an innocent act, or feel justified about a immoral one.
Can be used for defense, like if fighting someone who feels just and need to beat you. Can swap moral compass to opposite direction when fighting you.
Now they feel guilty about striking you and might hesitate.
Weakness -
Very short range & mediocre precision.
Effects may vary on people with unusual sense of right & wrong, or just genuinely apathetic to what happens.
Personal morale are subjective, some can fight through the guilt.
Does not effect how intense a person reacts to something, just the perspective. Can still make a person feel negatively about something, but not bad enough to do something if too small or minor in their view.
The victims will have witnessed the event for it to activate. Only able to effects one act at a time, to effect a new thing requires canceling the previous thing.
Stand user-
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it