Stand name- Chain gangReference - Pretenders song " Back in the chain gang"
Appearance -
Jet black humanoid female stand. The bottoms half is covered by a big frilly dress bottoms, with sharp white tips.
Her eyes are big white circles, with black pupils. She has a mouth of sharp teeth.
On each of her wrist are metal cuffs, will metal chains hanging off them close to the ground.
Her neck has metal collar.
Stand type - long range/Humanoid
Stand stats-
Power: D speed: D Durability: B Range: A Precision: C Potential: B
Stand ability -
Wrist chain-
Binding chains -
Can create a chain that binds 2 or more people together, preventing them from moving too far from each other.
Slowing them down, forcing those affected to work together.
Any one effected by binding chains, call feel what the other who are connected feel. If one person is hit , the rest will feel it.
Ball & chain-
Binding chains ability only takes effect when a victim makes a promise to chain gang's user, to do something for them.
When a victim makes a promise to the user, an unbreakable metal ball & chain will appear around on their ankle.
The further they move away from the user the ball & chain becomes heavier.
The ball & chain can become so heavy, the victim will be unable to move.
The only way to make it lighter is to get closer to the user, defeat her, or try to fulfill the promise they agree to do.
Weakness -
Not meant for direct combat, is reliant on its unorthodox ability. Can be defeated by combat focus stands. Slow speed and attack power.
Wrist chain requires the user to get closer, putting chain gang in danger.
Binding chains become less effective, when the ones who are bound have very good team work. The more cooperative the group is the easier it is to break free.
To use ball & chain the user has to make their victims verbally agree to do something for them. But the agreement has to be realistically with in their ability.
Can not ask some one to do something impossible, like catch lightning in a bottle.
The promise has to be something the user genuinely believes the victim can accomplish. Clever victims can find loopholes in the agreement, and still fulfil the promise in a technical sense.
Chain gang abilities, can be undone by finding and defeating its user.
Stand cry -
Stand user -

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it