Hang 'em high

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Stand name- Hang 'em high

Reference - Van Halen song

Appearance -

Takes the form of white & red humanoid , with crossing lace patterns.

It appears to be wearing a Red fighter pilot helmet, with a diagonal white line slashing across it.

Stand type - Humanoid/ close range

Stand stats -

Power: C Speed: B Durability: C Range: C Precision: D Potential: C

Ability -

Falling up-

Anything or anyone who falls in stand area, instead of falling down will instead fall upwards.

The person or item, will fly up in proportion to the height of their fall. The person/item once they reach the height, will then coming crash down from twice the height.

This is where the stands damage come from.

For example if you been tripped, you will fly up the same distance up into the air than the distance it takes for you to hit the ground.

This doubling the fall damage, making it useful for creating traps. Can trip someone under a ceiling fan and they will fly up to hit it.

Could be used to hit targets above the user.

The user can use this on themselves, and control when they will fall up. Allowing the user to reach high spaces, even midair.

Weakness -

"Hang em high" for making traps or catching people off guard. But is unsuited for direct combat.

Only effects things that fall in its range.

Has weak offensive capabilities in itself, reliant on fall damage.

Stand user-

Stand cry-

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