Bold as love

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"Don't worry JoJo, I can slow them down with out my Stand even touching them"

Stand name- Bold as love

Reference - Jimi Hendrix song

Appearance -

Lean humanoid stand with shiny light purple skin.

It legs are covered with a series of downwards facing green triangles.

It wears a red & yellow sash, with a yellow triangular headdress.

Stand type- Humanoid/long range

Stand stats-

Power: C speed: B Durability: D Range: B Precision:C Potential: C

Ability -

Limb replication -

Is activated by "Bold as love" striking a solid surface, like a wall or the floor. Allows the user to replicate and sprout pieces of their body from any solid surface around them.

The body part sprouted is made out of the same material the surface is came from. Good for catching people off guard, by striking at a distance.

For example punching a wall, a fist shape construct will generate from another part of the wall. Or can stomp the ground and a foot made out of dirt will kick upwards.

Weakness -

The stand itself has Weak durability, and vulnerable to close range attacks.

The user cannot create limbs where there is not enough room, and while each part is capable of movements, the body part is bound to where it was sprouted from.

The material the limb is made of is also an important, with the harder the material is the more stable it is but the more effort it takes to move. Same for the opposite.

The users loses control once "Bold as love" moves or breaks contact with said surface. Forcing the user to stay in place.

Stand user-

Stand cry- Ax! Ax!

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