A/N: this takes place in a alternate universe separate from the Original universe (Part 1-6) and the steel ball run universe (Part 7-8).
In this universe the ripple & spin were never discovered, but an equivalent ability called the "Rhythm" exist in their place.
The rhythm is not a stand ability, it's a supernatural phenomenon that technically anyone has the potential to learn.
The Rhythm is this universe equivalent of Hamon or the spin.
By harnessing the energy frequency made by sound or any other sources, can grant the practitioner supernatural abilities. Similar to the spin with steel balls, to use the rhythm it requires a type of medium to channel it through. Something than can vibrate but not break. In most cases a metal tuning forks.
The Rhythm was originally discovered by the ancient Chinese, which they used as an advance form of mining. But during the renaissance an Italian trader traveling on the silk road by the name of Cassius Zeppeli somehow leaned the secret of Rhythm, brought it back to Europe where he taught his descendants in secret.
The zeppeli family used the Rhythm to create detailed sculptures and complex feats of engineering.
To uses the Rhythm, it requires a very acute sense of touch, hearing, and timing. A medium to channel the rhythm needed, with hallow metal being the most effective .
Like it's parallel universe counterparts it is very difficult to learn, but offers a useful non-stand related power.
The rhythm originally dates back to ancient China where it was used for enhanced mining. Mostly detecting deposits of metal & gems through low frequency vibrations, or to bore through earth with high frequency blows.
The Rhythm can be used to enhance one senses. By using the vibrations created from a tuning fork to have a form of seismic sense, being able to detect movement in the ground. Can also used the sound frequency as a form of echo location.
The Rhythm can also be used in combat, by matching your tuning fork frequency with what your hitting (Ex: steel, stone) you can weaken it with precise hits. You can also strengthen your own strikes past natural human limits with Rhythm, by increasing the frequency in your arms or legs giving you hits greater force.
There is a possible healing property by using the rhythm at exactly 432Hz, accelerating cell growth. But is a very difficult advanced rhythm technique.
The Rhythm is an effective way for humans to combat the Gem people. With the vibrations from the Rhythm able to counter the gem people's natural advantages.
A talented Rhythm users may even managed to channel the power with their own heart beat.
The Gem people-
The gem people are an very intelligent mineral based life-form appearance wise almost indistinguishable from normal humans.
While normally solidarity, a group may form small communities. They have been known to have numerous encounters with humans.
They are roughly this universe's equivalent of the Pillar-men or Rock-humans.
While most are indifferent to humanity, some can be more violent & territorial. With some seeing themselves as being superior to humans, with their unique strange biology they can be very dangerous.
Like the pillar men & rock humans, they have to ability to hibernate for long periods of time.
The rhythm, can counter the natural advantages of the gem people. Making them very cautious around rhythm users.
Members of the gem people have the potential to gain stands and become stand users.

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it