Stand name - Rocket man
Reference - Elton John song "Rocket man"
Appearance -
Humanoid stand, wearing a appearing heavy armour. The Armour is a mixed between a knight, a gundam and a race car.
Most of its armour parts(upper chest, arms,legs,head) is plate like and colored white. While rocket mans joints & waist are jet black.
On Rocket man upper back are 4 exhaust pipes extrusions. Rocket man has bronze rocket thruster like extrusion on the back of its calves and the soles of its feet.
Stand type - Close range/Humanoid
Stand stats -
Power: B Speed: A Durability: C Range: C Precision: D potential: B
Ability -
even without Thrusters , Rocket man is still very fast .
Rocket man's thrusters can fire a blast of compressed fire. This thrusters going off rapidly propels the Rocket man the opposite direction of the blast.
Rocket man can users the thrusters in both combat and mobility.
by firing the thrusters on the soles of its feet, it can launch itself vertically high into the air. Momentarily but drastically increasing jumping ability.
the firing the Thrusters on the calves, it can enhanced Rocket man's running speed. Blast-off can be used to rapidly accelerate to the Stand in a forward direction.
Despite is heavy armour, it actually has average or mediocre durability. Low precision.
The thrusters can only be used in short burst , in straight forward or vertical paths. Rocket man is best used in quick skirmishes, but is ill suited for prolonged combat.
If lift-off or blast-off is used continually for 10 seconds, Rocket man is forced into a cool down period. While its thrusters are in cool down, the exhausts on its back emit black smoke.
Rocket man has great difficulty turning when moving at high speeds. Giving it a obvious disadvantage in area with lots of corners.
Stand user-
Stand cry -

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it