Stand user "Dam, your persistent. You know you can't catch up to me right?"
Stand name- Sign of the times
Reference- Prince song
Appearance -
Takes the form of a pair of purple gloves, with a speedometer on the back of the hand.
Each finger is number from 1-10 in bright yellow.
Stand type- Tool stand
Stand stats-
Power: E Speed: A Durability: C Range: D Precision: B Potential D
Speed adjustment-
By touching something, it makes that object generate a speedometer. That measures speed on a scale of 1-10, with a 5 being it natural speed of said object.
The user can change the time between the cause & effect of the things next actions. By physically readjusting the dial on the speedometer.
Can slow effect down to 20 % of their originally speed, or speed few times as fast. Each number below the 5 represents a minus 20%.
For example:
Place a speedometer on a gun, and gun next action is fore a bullet.
Set the speedometer to a 2, the fired bullet will move way slower.
Can place a speedometer on a door, and if someone tries to push open the door it will be slow. Even if they try to push full force .
The users can uses this on themselves, to either increase or decrease their own speed their body actions. But that will count as touching something.
Can slow a bleeding wound to prevent bleeding out. Can undo all effects at will .
Requires to physically touch something for the speedometer to appear, and only works on one things at a time.
Each speedometer is a single use.
That includes the user themself, and they may move incredibly fast but they still need to maintain their energy.
Using them selves will drain user stamina. Sign o' times, offer no durability benefits, no direct combat advantage.
Once a speed is set in on the speedometer it can not be changed. Only alternative to wait it out or cancel it all together.
Stand user-
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it