Prism Deluxe

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Stand name- Prism

Refrence- Katie Perry album " Prism (deluxe )"


takes the form of a set of 7 floating lenses made of dense air. It is mostly transparent , it's size can be changed at will of the user. To the size of a pin head to the the circumstances of am adult forearm.

Stand type- non humanoid stand/tool stand.

Stand stat- Power: E Speed: C Durability : D-A(compact) Range: B Precision: B potential: B


The user of Prism deluxe , can uses the lenses in a number of surprisingly versatile ways.

Light amplification -

The users can focus & amplify light through all 7 lenses, similar to a stone of Aja. Depending on the light source, the lenses can concentrate enough light to blind a group of people or even burn skin & start a fire.

With the lenses it can be arrange in a way , to expand the user sense of Vision. The lenses can be used as a makeshift telescope or even microscope.

The users can walk on Prism Deluxe lenses, allowing them to used it as steps to walk on air.

Lenses shield -

The stands only defensive technique , is while each lenses is relatively fragile by compacting them together, it creates an very strong barrier of super dense air. Able to fend off powerful attacks.

The users can use the lenses to bend light, creating a kind of one way mirror effect. Where they can be seen from one side, while they can see the other.


Prism deluxe, light amplifier ability is very situational, deeply dependent sources of light . It's provides very little defense for the user, and absolutely no offense.

stand user-

stand cry-

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