Stop and stare

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Quote -

"Ever time something moves it will disappear, you can only see it when it stays still"

"This is what my Stand can do, so I'm taking you wallet"

Stand name- Stop & Stare.

Reference- One Republic song" Stop and Stare".


Is a humanoid female, with light blue skin and shoulder length bright white hair. Is wearing a dress that's starts off as pitch black the bottom of the dress, but gradually become midnight blues the higher it gets.

Stand type- medium range stand.

stand stats-

Power: C Speed: B Durability: C Range: B Precision: D Potential: B


Motion blindness -

In about a 12 meter (around 40ft) radius. Stop and Stare can cause everyone with in range to succumb to a sensory condition called Akinetopsia (motion-blindness).

From their perspective, they can only detect people when they stand still or move very slowly.

But when something start to move they seem to fade out of sight or even disappear completely until they stand still again. Then suddenly reappear at a different place.

The effected people brain's can not register motion or movement .

The users can use this stand to confuse enemies, or for stealth. As long as they are constantly move, their practically invisible. The closer you to her the more intense the effects are.

Moving, but I go no where (after lyric ")-

If "Stop & Star" touch you, you reaction time will be between 3 seconds off. Stop & Stare user can use this to get a head start on her opponent.


Stop and Stare ability, has a limited range. If you stand far enough away you can attack her with out being effected.

This only works on living things, so the effected can't see humans or animals move, but can still see things like cars or a brick move (unless directly touched).

This ability does not effect video or recordings of people moving. If the user can't move or is somehow render immobilized, the effect is moot.

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