Blaze of glory

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Stand name- Blaze of Glory

Reference - Jon Bon Jovi song "Blaze of Glory"

Appearance -

Humanoid Stand , wearing an old fashion style blue Calvary uniform. The uniform will have gold laces randomly across the vest , and bright red ribbons on Blaze of glory on its shoulders and upper chest.

It's skin is made of a white fabric, with black buttons for eyes.

Blaze of glory wields a medium size Calvary saber, with the blades edged a golden orange color.

Stand type- Humanoid/Close range

Stand stats -

Power: B Speed: B Durability: C Range: C Precision: C Potential: C

Ability -

Enhanced speed-

Blazing edge-

The faster Blaze of glory swings its sword, the more heat the blade it will release on contact. The more the sword is moved the hotter the blade edge becomes.

The heat combined with the sabers sharpness , makes it even more dangerous.

Burning blood-

Special technique , when Blaze of Glory slashes an opponent the wound will become hotter the more they move.

For example, if blaze of glory cuts someone on their arm. If they start to run the wound will physically start burn, the more sudden the movement the hotter it gets . If you start to sprint the wound will just burst into flames.

This requires the user to focus on the strike to take effect.

Saber -

Fights with a sharp Calvary saber.

Weakness -

Mediocre durability & precision.

Close range stand, vulnerable to long range attacks.

Is most effective when rapidly moving , if somehow it's movement is limited it becomes very vulnerable.

Burning blood, can be countered by just moving slowly. It can also be countered soaking the wound in water.

Burning blood is temporary, will wear off past. It strikes on the victim panicking from the pain.

Stand user -

Stand cry-

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