Stand name- Wooden heart
Reference - Elvis Presley song "Wooden heart"
Appearance -
takes the form of a set of armour made out of wood. While most of the body is black, there very noticeable wooden parts around the face, arms, waist, knees, and feet.
Has metal bands vertically on the wooden helmet and on the arms.
Stand type - Wearable stand/non Humanoid
Stand stats -
Power: B Speed: C Durability: A Range: C Precision: D Potential: D
Ability -
High durability -
Protect the user when worn, can tank blows from physically stronger stands.
Wood manipulation -
Wooden heart can control & reshape all wooden things they comes in contact with with in range.
Can makes nearby trees attack enemies, can control the vines on the trees to slow down people, or have branches swing at people. Can accelerated plant growth an extend .
Can also control objects made of wood, like furniture. Can open wooden doors, create holes in wooden walls.
High toxin resistance -
While in "Wooden heart " armour, it is able filters out poisons. Defending the user from natural toxin & poison based attacks.
Photosynthesis -
When worn in the presence of direct sunlight, wooden heart will gradually heal the user. Also gives a small strength boost during the day.
Weakness -
Vulnerable to very high/low temperatures. Burning/freezing.
Wooden heart is weak to man made chemicals and is weekend at night or low light.
Can not create wood, just control the surrounding sources.
To manipulate man-made objected made of wood, it requires them to have physically touch them . If the wooden object Is destroyed(shredded/burned) they lose control.
Is at an obvious disadvantage in area with out wood, EX desert/City.
Stand user -
Stand cry -

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it