one way or another

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"Jojo, What the hell are you doing?! The place is burning down!" Dion asked

" Dion I really need to finished eating this" JoJo Said ignoring the smell of smoke.

Stand name- One way or another

Reference - Blondie song

Appearance -

Feminine humanoid stand, with pale white skin with it facial features lined by bright red . With outfit is a mostly black suit top and skirt, with red outlining.

It has various markings which partnering its body including wavy red lines and stars.

Stand type- Humanoid

Stand stats-

Power: D speed: A Durability: C Range: D Precision: B Potential: C

Ability -

Single minded-

Can force people to obsessed over completing a single specific goal.

One way or another, will make a person dedicate all conscious though to a singular goal. Making them ignore any negative consequences of said goal, including personal injury.

Trapping them in that mind set until the goal is completed.

The user use this to distract people, or buying themselves more time.

For example:

If the user went to a store and knocks down a self full of items, the cashier will try to pick everything off the ground.

When the cashier is trying to pick everything up, One way or another will use single minded and lock the cashier to the goal of picking everything off the floor.

The user can take all the cash from the register, but the cashier will not stop you. Despite the objective fact they know you are stealing, they are dead set on picking everything off the floor before they can act.

Weakness -

Weak physical power, close ranges.

To activate the effect, one way or another has to touch the target at least once. The touch resets after each use of single minded.

Single minded can backfire horribly, if used without caution. For example if you lock someone on the goal, but that goal was either to defeat or even kill you.

The effect can be broken by completing the goal, being far enough away, losing consciousness, or overwhelming pain.

Stand user-

Stand cry-

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