The other way

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Stand name-  The other way

Reference -  song by Weezer

Appearance -

Takes the appearance of a white humanoid about the size of the user.  It's body is covered by a series of colourful spots, located  in random areas.

Stand type- 

Humanoid/close range

Stand stats-

Power: D speed: A Durability: C Range: C Precision: B Potential: C

Ability -

Warp spots-

"The other way" Body is covered in a series of hollow black spots, that activated the stands special ability.

Each spot connects through another spot on its body,  anything out through one spot will appear through another.

For example if you try to punch "the other way" through a hole in its chest, your fist will appear through a hole in "the other way" head. Basically making you punch yourself.

A strategy used by user, is to use a gun and shoot through one of "the other way" holes. With the bullet going out through one of the holes in its body, allowing the user to take trick shots from weird angles.

Can use "the other way" spots to instantly transport objects through another spot on its body.

The user used the spots for defense, by using the spots the redirect attacks.

Weakness -

Can not control which 2 spots connect, unless the user really focus. If fought off guard the spots connections will be completely random.

If fought off guard, the spots may be a liability. Hitting the non spot parts of the body will deal damage.

Stand user-

Stand cry-

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