Diamonds and Pearls

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Quote -

Enemy stand user "This is just fucking glitter! "

Stand user "I'll show you, my stand will make anything it covers hard as diamonds.

Stand name-  Diamond and Pearl (D&P)

Reference - Prince song

Appearance -

Takes the form of tiny pearls with diamonds symbol on each of them.

From a regular person perspective it looks like a pile of shiny glitter.

The amount of glitter if bound together, can cover a human forearm.

Stand type- non humanoid/colony stand

Stand stats-

Power:E speed:C Durability:A Range:C Precision:B Potential:B

Ability -


Because of it's reflective nature, the user can shine a light on D&P. The user can do this did confuse, disoriented, distract, or even blind enemies.

The glitter moves at the user 's will.

Bonding strength -

When D&P are close to one another , they can link together form a harden bond which is incredibly resistant to damage.

Think like carbon nano tubes, or chain mail armour.

The more "Diamonds and pearl" glitter, are link together the stronger they are.

The user can used this on themselves, placing it on their skin to use as armour. The user can quickly will the glitter to Cover areas of their body before the attack lands.

Can can also use it in objects to make them stronger. Temporally Cover a small objects, to make them much harder to break. Or placing it on a blades edge to make it sharper.

Is especially resistant to slashing and temperature based attacks.

Weakness -

No combat ability.

The more dissipated "Diamond and Pearl" is the weaker the bond is and can be broken more easily. More spread out used in multiple objects less strength it has.

If used all glitter all at once is enough to cover the user's hand to elbow, but other parts are still vulnerable to harm.

D&P bonds is vulnerable to piecing attacks.

Using Diamond & pearl bonding strength on an object , may leave the user vulnerable.

Stand user-

Stand cry-

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