"If you want, I can give you little pick me up. Make you better than you already are now" American capitalist offered
"You'll just would owe me later" the use said a little ominously
Stand name- American Capitalist
Reference - Five finger death punch song
Appearance -
A Skelton wearing a blood red pin stripe suit with a white dress shirt. It wears a red top hat, with a blue stripe across it. It also has a blue tie and studded brass knuckles.
It's skull is white with exception to a red X over it left eye.
Stand type- Humanoid
Stand stats-
Power: B speed: C Durability: B Range: D Precision: B Potential: B
Ability -
strength -
Even without giving loans, American Capitalist can hit hard enough to put other stands on the defensive.
Loans -
American capitalist can give others temporary boost in the form of "loans".
People who accept these loans will feel well rested and full of energy. The loans also heightens reflexes & pain tolerance,
If given to other stand users, their natural stand ability will get a slight power up.
People who have taken loans from will feel pressured to listen to "American capitalist" user
Investments -
American capitalist can collect on the "loans" the user has gives out. By collecting on the loans, the person who accepted will instantly lose most of the borrowed power (maybe a little more) and feel tired.
Collecting on "loans" will increase the stand already formidable abilities.
By investing more time and waiting to collect on "loans", the more power is given back to American Capitalist.
Weakness -
Close range, vulnerable to range attacks.
American capitalist can only give loans to people who willingly accept them. The loans can not be collected immediately, has wait at least an one hour. With the shorter the loan the less power is given back to American Capitalist.
The more loans given out at the same time, the stand's durability will slowly be weaken. Making them more unstable.
If the person who has the "loan" is defeated or knocked unconscious, then American Capitalist can not collect on it.
Wasting all of the the stand energy that went in the investments.
Stand user-
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it