Boss of me

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"No one can break it's rule"

Stand name- Boss of me

Reference - David Bowie song

Appearance -

Tall imposing humanoid with light silver color, it wears a fedora hat.

Across is body is vertical white lines, its has several rows of chain bracelets on each arm.

Stand type- humanoid

Stand stats-

Power: B speed: C Durability: C Range: D Precision: B Potential: B

Ability -

Rule maker-

Can create a limitations that everyone within range will fallow, even against their will.

Prevents everyone from doing a certain action. By making it seem physically impossible.

By starting with the phrase "No one can" or "nobody can"

Example :

"Nobody can hit each other" even if your try to punch someone you hand will stop by itself from making contact.

"No one can lie" if you try to lie , you can't say it..

"No one can hide"

"No body can run"

The user can change the rule at anytime .

Weakness -

Close range.

The user is not immune to rule maker ability, the user must also follow their own rule. Opponents can used this ability to their advantage, also most rules have loop holes.

The rule must fallow specific conditions. It must be simple and fit in a short sentence. It can name a specific action, but can not target a specific person.

Ability will lose effect once the victim leaves the range.

They can only make one rule at a time, and they must announce the rule change to aloud.

Showed to not effect involuntary actions or ones necessary for life, like breathing.

Stand user-

Stand cry-

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