Stand name- Lady in red
Reference- Chris de Burgh song "Lady in red"
Appearance -
A deep scarlet female shape stand, apparently made of either thick red paint. She has long red hair like appendages, and her liquids like body is constantly shifting & flowing like a lava lamp.
Lady in red has 2 glowing yellow orbs where her eyes are supposed to be.
Stand type - Close range/Humanoid
Stand stats -
Power: B Speed: B Durability: B Range: D Precision: D Potential: C
Ability -
self blood manipulation-
Lady in Red main ability is that its able to shape the users own blood .
It is able to concentrate & shift inside the users blood.
For example can suddenly rush the blood to the users fist to have them punch harder.
Could even shape blood outside their body to an extent, like condensing blood into a layer over it skin as a shield.
Could form simple tools like a key, even grab something.
In an emergency can fire the user blood like a bullet.
Weakness -
A very close range and imprecise.
Even within the ability range, the farther physically away from their body the the less control & stability she has. Near the edge the range it basically fragile as a rain drop.
Lady in red is vulnerable to very high or low temperature, cause it risk steaming or freezing. So weak to ice and intense fire.
Lady in red can only control the users blood. Meaning she can not manipulate the blood of others.
If using blood as projectiles, lady in red will lose control of it.
If too much blood leaves the user, may experience the symptoms of blood loss.
Stand user-
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it