Quote -
Stand user " As long as my ability is in effect , there will always be a distance between you and it. "
Stand name- Don't stand so close (DS2C)
Reference - Police song "Don't stand so close to me"
Appearance -
Humanoid type Stand, with athletic build & black skin. It wears a grid like visor over its eyes, the visor is Deep red with the openings blue.
It chest has a yellow circle with a red triangle in it. On it's legs are small blue squares in a checkered pattern.
Stand type- Humanoid/ Mid range
Stand stats-
Power:C speed:B Durability:B Range:D Precision:C Potential:B
Ability -
separation -
"Don't stand so close" has the ability to separate two objects and maintain its distance. Is activated by DS2C touching something or someone with at least 3 fingers.
DS2C can create an invisible barrier between 2 objects, preventing the two from getting any closer. Can set the distance between the two up to a several meters.
Imagine if two people were trying to move close to each other, but they would feel an invisible wall stopping them. No matter how hard they try can't get closer, they will constantly be at least 15ft apart.
Separation can be used on itself, for both offense & defence. Can separate things from itself and launch it at enemies as projectiles.
For defense DS2C can separate themselves from enemies, preventing them from even touching the user.
Can be used this for utility, like separating water from the wet clothes to dry off.
Could potentially separate abstract concepts, like space, time, or even empathy.
Weakness -
Close range, vulnerable to range attacks.
DS2C can only make 1 separations at once and require touch to activate. This makes DS2C vulnerable to being overwhelmed by multiple enemies. Is also in danger of enemy projectiles.
Enemies can bypass "Don't stand so close" ability by just throwing stuff at them
If the user separate themself from another person, they can't physically touch by them. But the user can fight either, forcing both into a long stalemate.
If a person can exert enough force on the barrier, they can physically push back the things their separated from
Stand user-
The stand's ability has some interesting applications but is under utilized, because the user is a dumbass.
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it