Stand name- 21st Century breakdown (Aka. 21CB)
Refernce- Green day Song/Album" 21st Century break"(it's a 3 act album)
Resembles a folding black ,white , and orange Rubix cube. It's about the size of an actual rubix cube, and it follows the user around. On the cubes of Act I ,each one either has 21 or CB in black letters on it.
Act II
Act 1 rubix cube, will be turned into a series of flat squares pieces that covers the user's body.
The squares are will turned the cover parts into a white,black, and orange.
21CB takes a humanoid appearance, a lean hooded figure dressed mostly black with orange outlines. It's lower face is covered by black diamond patterned mask, while the skin underneath is paper white.
Over the 21CB right eye is a #2 in black, while a #1 over its left.
21CB upper body now have white lines with black XXI patterns lining it.
Stand type- close range.
Stand stats-
Act 1- Power:E Speed:D Durability:A Range:D Precision: D Potential: A
Act 2- Power:D Speed:B Durability:C Range:C Precision:C Potential: A
Act 3- Power:B Speed:A Durability:C Range:D Precision:B Potential: B
Act I - storage
Can store inanimate small things(cash,guns, lock picks) inside each of the 27 cubes, up to 3 LBs in weight for each individual item stored. (Think like enigma in part 4)
Allows 21CB user to rabidly switch between items.
Act II- damage control
Allows the user to break up their body into 27 equal sized cubes. Allowing them to avoid hits by turning part of their body into cubes, or to squeeze through small spaces.
Act III- breakdown
21CB becomes more combat focus. Become physical stronger & faster, at the cost of durability. By hitting an objects (like a wall or a car) hard enough it will break down into miniature cubes. But can be reassembled into its original form, at will.
With Act III break down ability, 21CB can reassemble things around enemies. Like breaking down a chair into cubes and reassembling it around n enemy wrist acting as hand cuffs.
Each act can not use the abilities of different acts. Not getting the benefit of other acts, while forcing the user change 21CB to use it. This can puts the user in very vulnerable situations.
Act 1 form, has no combat abilities what do ever. Storage has a weight limit per cube.
Act II, is highly reliant on its evasion ability. The user can not fight when they break themself down . Can only attack when they are in one piece.
Act III, while having the most destructive power and . It has the lowest durability & the shortest range.
Stand user-
Stand cry- Ko! Ko! Ko! Kowasu!
Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it