"Jojo, I drinks people"
"Do you mean figuratively or literally?" JoJo asked uncomfortably
"Yes" she replied
Stand name- Bitches brew
Reference - Miles Davis song
Appearance -
Feminine humanoid with grayish blue skin, with cloud like flowing hair.
It wears a skirt & bra made of bright pink flower petals, also wears a bead necklace.
Stand type- humanoid
Stand stats-
Power: C speed: B Durability: C Range: D Precision: B Potential: C
Ability -
Bitches Brew has the ability to squeeze out the characteristics of solid objects/people in the form of a drinkable liquid. AKA Juice.
If Bitches Brew gets a hold of a person, she can squeeze out the stamina in juice form. The user can drink the stamina giving the user a rush of energy, while leaving the victim tired & sluggish.
Can squeeze juice out of objects to gain non organic characteristics.
For example: squeezing the heat out of a hot piece of metal, if the user drinks this they temporary gain ability related to heat. Like raising their own body temperature to the point she can burn other things.
Can squeeze the electricity out of a battery, drinking it allows the user to temporally emit electricity like an electric eel.
Types of juice have different distinct flavors.
Stamina taste like mineral water.
Heat taste like cinnamon .
Electricity taste like an energy drink.
Chlorophyll taste like herbal tea.
Weakness -
Short range, vulnerable to range attacks. Requires prolong physical contact for juice to activate.
The juice effects can not stand itself, only the user or who ever drinks the juice.
There is a time limit/potency to types of juice, depending on how much the user drank.
Stand user-
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it