Stand name- method man
Reference - American rapper "Method man"
Founding member of the Wu Tang Clan
Appearance -
Grey & Red Robotic humanoid stand, without a neck its head floating above hits body.
It has exhaust pipes coming out from its waist, and a car fin coming out from its back.
On its hands , each finger can change to a different mini tool. Like a Swiss army knife.
Stand type- Humanoid
Stand stats-
Power: C speed: C Durability: A Range: D Precision: A Potential: C
Ability -
Method generation-
Method man is able to very quickly turn recipes or instructions into what they represent.
By giving Method man specific detailed instructions, it can quickly create what was written from the surrounding items. Food recipes, schematic, chemical formula, floor plans. ECT
Method man with detailed enough instructions and resources, can create anything from a cake, a gun, a pipe bomb, to even a small building.
Weakness -
Not suites for open combat, better support.
"Built for this" most of the time will require detailed instructions in Written form. With the more complex the item, the more detailed is needed for completion.
If the items or resources needed to build what is on paper are not present, method man will substitute with available ones. This may have less than desired outcomes.
Like if there no cement, it would use something like clay or mud.
While using "Built for this" method man can not attack or defend, leaving it user vulnerable.
Stand user-
Stand cry- Fa! Fa! Fang!

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanficJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it