"I more hits I land, the shock your going to feel"
Stand name- Lightning strikes twice (LST)
Reference - Iron maiden song
Appearance -
Skinny humanoid form with light red plastic skin, with black veins found randomly on its body. Its shoulders are covered by bone white pads.
The upper part of its face is covered by a retro V.R helmet, with black glass covering the eyes and white dials in the side.
The lower part of its face are skeletal. The helmet has wires on the back that connects to the shoulders.
Stand type- Humanoid
Stand stats-
Power: C speed: B Durability: C Range: C Precision: B Potential: B
Ability -
Amp shock-
When LST does a consecutive action and make contact with something its releases a small electric shock.
Every successful action the higher the voltage would be.
If LST lands 2 punches, the second punch will emits a weak electric shock upon contact.
If it lands a third punch, that punch will have a higher voltage than the last. This continues to go up upon each successful hit.
Activated with contact with LST's hands. (Touch, punch, rubbing, ect).
Best used to catch people off guard or ambush. Strike twice works on both people and objects.
Weakness -
Mediocre strength and durability, is close range.
The first shock doesn't happen until the second strike, and even then its more annoying that painful.
To use amp shock effectively, require the user to successfully continue a consistent action without interruption. The action has to be a similar motion to the first.
So if they miss a strike, slips up, or pause too long, the voltage is reset to zero.
Stand user-
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it