"Get down, we're being shot at!" Person 1 warned Jojo
" Where is it coming from? " JoJo asked.
"I don't know, every time I get close or where it came from . I get shot at from a completely different side direction " They wanted JoJo
Stand name- Pussycat dolls
Reference -
Girl group "The pussycat dolls"
Appearance -
A set of 6 miniature toy size anthropogenic cat girls.
Each one A different big cat: Tiger, lion, jaguar, cheetah, black panther, and snow leopard.
Stand type- Colony (6)/Long range
Stand stats-
Power: D speed:C Durability: B Range:A Precision:D Potential:C
Ability -
Each has claws, that can be use to claw and cut things.
Switching places-
The Pussycat dolls, can almost instantly switch positions with one another. This is visualized as one of the pussycat dolls physically transforming to the one their switching places with and vice versa.
Each on of the dolls, when changing place also takes what ever their holding with them. Keys, money, weapons ect.
A strategy the user uses is to have the pussycat girls spread out as far as possible. Give one of the pussycat dolls a handgun, which she can then fire. Then switch places with another one of the dolls in a different place.
This allows the stand to quickly attack from many different angles, also confuse enemies by making them think the threat is coming from somewhere else.
Weakness -
Low physical power and precision, unsuited for open combat but useful for ambushes. They are weak when out in the open, with no where to hide.
Can only switch places with one one another, can still be attacked if found.
Can only take objects that they can carry, meaning small items.
Stand user-
Stand cry- Meow!

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it