Comedown machine

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Stand name- comedown machine (Also: CDM)

Reference- Strokes album " come down machine "


Humanoid robotic stand, with lean muscular figure. Has shiny plastic like black skin, with CDM in cursive writing on back & chest .

Has a row of silver studs on shoulders, with a jacket collar around its neck. It's hands appears to wearing white fingerless gloves, on each knuckle lives 3 bright color boxes,Red, Blue and Yellow.

It's face resembles the users but with deep dark shades.

Stand type- Close Range/ humanoid

Stand stats-

Power: C-A (fully charged) Speed: B Durability:A-D (after using "One way trigger") Range: E Precision B Potential:B


Damage redirection -

Comedown machine, ability is damaged absorption & transference through kinetic redirection. The more damage it takes, it increases the amount of damage it can dish out.

The 3 color boxes on its knuckles, will light up, as the more damage is taken. Each color light , corresponding to a rise in CDM power stat , with yellow an minimum to red as fully charged.

Instead of a series of stand barrage, it fights by charging up for a single decisive strike.(like king crimson)

One way trigger (after a song),

Used only as an last resort in combat. Can storage up as damage, and release it all at once in a explosive shockwave, hitting in every direction. It's knuckles light will all light up red, before going off.

Call it Karma (after a the song" Call it fate, Call it Karma ) ,

CDM's users can absorb the physical damage of a object, to charge up its strike. For example when the user touch a cracked wall, by holding their hand there, it absorbs the damage. Charging up its strike, with the side effect of making the wall's cracks will disappear.


Is Close Range stand, vulnerable to Range attacks. It's formidable defense can be wore down over time, if the opponent manage to defeat CDM before it can fully charge. If it's charge hit misses, it's will be force to recharge it's strike leaving it very vulnerable.

After using "one way trigger " despite being immune to its own damage, it will be left greatly tired and weaker. Temporarily bringing down its durability from an A to D, making it easy to finish off.

stand user-

Stand cry-

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