Goodbye blue sky

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Stand name- Goodbye blue sky

Reference - Pink Floyd song

Appearance -

Takes the form of a bomber squadron of 12 light blue paper airplanes each the size of an average paper plane

Stand type - Stand colony (12)/Long range

Stand stats - Power: B Speed: B Durability: D Range: A Precision: D Potential: C

Ability -

long range recon-

Each plan can travel in different directions anyway from the user, gathering information in the form of photos . Although for the user to get the information, the planes are required to fly back to the user.

bombing run-

Each plane is able to drop small bombs, one plane is minor pain. But is devastating when fighting in flight formation.

Damage division -

because there are 12 planes, any attack done directly to the user is split into 1/12 of of the damage.

(Kind of a fusion between of bad company & aerosmith)

Weakness -

Low durability, if they all leave the user their defenceless. Individual each plane is fragile. Goodbye blue sky has disadvantage in enclose area. Very poor at defending the user.

Their dangerous together, but alone their vulnerable. To attack again they need to circle around and fly back to their target. They can only attack targets below it.

Each one of the plane is armed with a limited amount of bombs, is required to return to the user to "reload". The user needs to reload just by touching. For a single one to do any real damage requires them drop their full payload, if not it's more of an annoyance than anything.

Because the planes needs to fly back to the user to reload & drop off information, observant enemies can track them back to the user. If the planes are destroyed before they can get the information to the user then, it is lost.

Stand user-

Stand cry-

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