Invisible touch

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Stand name - Invisible touch

Reference - Genesis song "Invisible touch"

Appearance -

Is a humanoid stand, with its semi translucent gel-like flesh covering a skelton.

The gel flesh has a light greenish tint, with darker green circular square across the chest and neck.

Stand type - Close range/Humanoid

Stand stats -

Power: A Speed: B Durability: B Range: D Precision: C Potential: C

Ability -

Gel flesh -

Invisible touch skin has the consistency of gel, this gives the stand a minor defence boost.

The gel flesh can absorb some of the impact from attacks, which is partly spread out and dissipates through the body.

Invisible touch-

Can generate special circular marks with a versatile effects, around the size of a human fist.

If they manages to land a hit on person's body, they may create a mark on body parts. That mark makes them temporarily feel a physical sensations of the user choice.

When the user says a description of a physical feeling, the mark will simulate the description. The victim will feel and react as if it actually happens.

In combat they can issue orders such as "car crash", " cigarette burn" or "taser", making the victim perceive the mentioned effects.

The stand user can set off the mark, remotely.

Weakness -

Require physical contact for ability to take effect.

Gel flesh can absorb some impact, but can be overwhelmed by aggressive enough offense or attacking from multiple angles. Is vulnerable to piecing attacks.

Invisible touch marks will disappear immediately after use, one mark to a target.

The sensation is psychological, not physical.

The user has to verbally say the effect for it to happen.

The victim has to be able to imagine what the sensation might feel like for it to activate.

Stand user-

Stand cry-

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