Lillian (Lena) part 2

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Thinking of your dead mother still broke your heart, and you turned your cheek away from her, an instinctive move to burrow your face somewhere (usually Lena's shoulder) for comfort.
She pressed down on the knife to your shin, and didn't stop until you could feel it pierce your skin.
You hissed out a breath of discomfort. Your pain tolerance was high, but being stabbed still definitely isn't a walk in the park.
'Hmm, how long should I cut do you think?' She looked up as if she was asking you.
'How about 0 inches?' You said, watching as her face hardened and she pushed further into your leg.
'Wrong answer.' And with that, the skin of your shin tore in two as she gracefully slit up it, leaving a deep, gushing would of about 5 inches.
'Fuck.' You breathed out in pain, slumping back into the bed and fighting the tears threatening to spill.
'Oh honey, we're just getting started.' She moved towards the other leg.


You heard a loud crash come from outside your door and you winced as you lifted your head up. The door was kicked down and several DEO agents came storming in with their guns raised.
One of them instantly took their mask off and ran towards you.
'(y/n)' She breathed out and you looked into the face of your sister Alex.
'Lex it is so good to see you.' You smiled, wincing when your movement jostled your leg.
'Let's get you out of here okay?' She said, not so subtly glancing worriedly at your leg.
It took a while to get you comfortably on a stretcher, your large cut on the left leg,  shorter one on the right and deep one on your forearm causing issues.
'Hey how long was I gone?' You asked Alex who was dutifully sitting and holding your hand on the ambulance ride, Kara sitting on the other side.
'Just tell me.'
'Two weeks.' She gave in, giving your hand a squeeze.
'What? Oh my god.' You whispered.
'Yeah it was rough.' Kara said gently, squeezing your hand too.
'How's Lena?' You asked, tears about to fall.
'She... hasn't been holding up well.' Alex admitted, hanging her head.
Your heart sped up and a tear did fall from your eye.
'I've told her what hospital to meet us at. She'll be there after you've been stitched up.' Kara said, catching the tear without a word about it.
'O-okay.' You took in a breath, trying but failing to think about what Lena's been through. If the roles were reversed, you'd of been terrified.
The rest of the ride was in comfortable silence, Kara and Alex clearly not ready to know what you had been through yet as they clasped your hands tightly.
Once at the hospital, you begged that they take you to Lena before anything else, but Alex persisted that you get your cuts checked and bandaged up. In the end, it was Kara who pushed you into it, reminding you that Lena would definitely break down if she saw what physical harm her mother had done.
After what felt like an infinite of time being stitched up, you were led to a room.
When your bed was wheeled in, the first thing you saw were green eyes.
You breathed in sharply, the first breath that felt full since you got kidnapped and watched her do the same.
'Lena.' You said, watching as she paced quickly over to you and paused before hugging the life out of you.
'Hey.' She whispered, tears falling freely down her face.
'Hug me.' You gritted out, needing to feel her.
'But what if I-'
'I don't care.' You said firmly.
She didn't have to be asked twice as she softly jumped onto the bed and embraced you tightly.
Her tears made a wet patch in your shirt and her breaths were quick and her hands were scrambling all over your back.
She was shaking and sobbing and you let her, knowing she needed to.
Because you had seen the heavy bags and swelling under her eyes. You had seen the rumpled t-shirt and skirt, as if she hadn't changed in days. You had seen the shake in her hands.
She cried and cried and cried.
She cried until it was just tired whimpers because she had no tears left.
'Hey babe.' You pressed into her hair, that you will admit later was greasy due to lack of washing, kissing lightly.
That made her next sob louder.
'It's okay. I'm here.' You said.
'It's not okay.' She said, repeating it into your shoulder.
'Lena.' You said.
'That's- my mom did that.' She said wetly.
'I know.' You shuffled so that you were face to face. It hurt more than that knife to see how sad she was.
'It doesn't matter that it was your mom. What matters is that I'm here with you and we're safe.' You stroked her wet cheek.
'I love you.' She said, wrapping her arms around your neck and pulling you back into a hug.
'I love you too.'


1 year later-

You waltzed into the massive warehouse the DEO had finally tracked down, whistling a tune and laughing at how Kara was dancing around when supposed to be being serious.
'Oh fancy seeing you here Lillian.' You said, stepping through the door that led to a very familiar room.
'What- what?' She said, staring at both you and Kara.
'What? Not happy to see me?' You asked, faking sadness.
'I'm very happy to see you here. I can't believe you handed yourself over though.' She said with a smirk.
'Oh hun, this place is surrounded. You're going to jail.' You said, watching as Kara lunged and gripped onto her wrist.
'That's no way to speak to your potential mother in law.' She said, her confidence facade breaking slowly.
'Potential? Have you not heard? You are my mother in law. And I couldn't care less about how I speak to you.' You smiled sweetly at her, pointing to the ring that made you a Luthor.
Before she could say another word, 10 agents came in and swarmed the place.
You walked out of the building and let Kara carry you back home.
'How was my mother?' Lena said after a long kiss.
'Splendid as usual.'

For @PG1238
Thank you for the suggestion! Happy new year everyone :)

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