First time (Kara)- smut

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Kara, your alien girlfriend, had been pretty clear when you first got together.
She had blushed, and stuttered, and held her head in her hands as she mumbled out the words, but her message, and the sharpness in her eyes, had been clear.
Told you, only an hour after getting together, that she doesn't want to have sex in the near future.
Something about alien strength and potential injury, an explanation you had told her you didn't need.
If she said she didn't want it, there was no chance you would ever force her into it.
You had told her as such and she had nodded, a tiny, gorgeous smile gracing her beet red face.
It's not like sex was on your mind all the time anyway. You could wait, you were only 18.
She had snuggled back into you, let out a breath of relief, and started rambling about what Alex was cooking for her dinner only a second later.
That was a month ago. And you were fine. Everything was just fine. Kara was a loving, and supportive, and downright smitten girlfriend, and you liked to think you gave back whatever you could to her.
And Kara, well Kara just loved kissing you.
She had told you once, after an hour of lip bites and tongue dances, that she had never imagined to enjoy kissing so much.
She would kiss you at any opportunity, and each one would wipe your mind clean of any thoughts previously inhibiting it.
And that had also been fine. You couldn't complain that your girlfriend had an insatiable need to lock lips.
It was month 2 when things started going south for you.
The kissing continued. But then came the touching.
Kara's hands were restless on a good day, but when she kissed you, you could practically feel them vibrating.
And maybe she got tired of that, or maybe she just finally gave into urges. Because she started grasping at your waist as you made out, which led to her trailing them this way and that, which led to her having a handful of your ass in her big hands, squeezing and pinching and god.
Each kiss would start out innocent, and each would end with her hands on inappropriate places.
And that would again have been fine. If it hadn't driven you insane.
Your panties were getting ruined almost daily, and your wrist had started cramping during the day due to your overuse of it at night.
You respected Kara's wishes, no doubt about it, but she made it very difficult to not get sexually frustrated.
Which led to now, in the back of Alex, Kara's older sisters car.
You were squished into a window, Kara in the middle seat with Winn to her right.
Maggie was in the front, waving her hand around as she shouted at Alex over the music.
Winn was bopping his head along to the music, singing lines out of tune from time to time.
Kara was trailing her hand on your thigh, up and down, and you were slowly imploding.
Her shoulder was snug against yours, and that god forsaken hand would not let up.
You breathed out a huff, and she quirked an eyebrow at you.
Your eyes narrowed, and she smirked slightly.
You followed the movement of her mouth, watching as she wet her lips.
'Kiss me.' You whispered, eyes locked on her lips.
She had gotten good at stealing kisses without your friends noticing, her super speed coming in handy.
She leant in, paused briefly, then gave you a breathtaking kiss, short, but her tongue had mapped out your mouth and almost drawn a moan out of your throat by the time she drew back with a pleased grin.
'Another? Please?' You panted, your breath coming in hot bursts.
The second one was no less than the first, and your insides melted as her hands slid to your waist.
She grinned at you as you caught your breath, and you dove into her neck to calm yourself down, and to will the flush rising through your body to slow down.
One of her hands was tracing circles on your waist, the other going to your hair and scratching behind your ear.
'Kara.' You say in warning, pushing back to look at her slightly.
Her eyes were so dark, and you fell into them like a pool on a hot day.
She searched your face, her expression serious, her crinkle present.
You reached up and smoothed it out with your thumb. She exhaled, and you cocked your head.
Seemingly that was an invitation, because she lunged her way into your space, nosing your neck, portraying the perfect picture of innocence to any of your friends if they glanced back.
But the kisses she started leaving on your skin were anything but.
You were a hot mess when you finally finally got out of the car.
Your hair was ruffled, and there were bruises on your neck that were not there before. Your face was burning, and the rest of your body was in a similar state.
'Alex. I'm gonna be at (y/n)s for a bit. Tell Eliza I'll be home for dinner.' Kara clambered out after you, her hair also a mess.
'Alright. Have fun you two.' Alex winked and drove off.
Kara took your hand, tugged you into your own house, and got you to your bedroom in record speed.
She had you pinned to your wall faster than you can blink, and her lips were on yours in an instant, devouring you.
You let her tongue slide into your mouth, moaning freely when she bunched your shirt in her hands and pulled you closer into her body.
The same hands gravitated to their favourite spot, your ass, and grabbed a firm handful.
'Kar. Fuck. You're such a- tease.' You detached your lips from hers to tell her.
She only grinned, kissing you again, pulling your hips to hers.
You whined, high and embarrassing, and she repeated the action.
She lifted you and took you over to your own bed, lying down on top of you before kissing you again.
Her hands moved over your skin, then under your shirt, and one of them trailed upwards, until you were gasping as she rolled a nipple in between her fingers.
You could feel yourself dripping into the cotton of your panties, and for a horrified moment you imagined Kara could feel it too through your jeans.
'Please. Please-'
You were begging. For what you didn't know.
Until Kara was touching your stomach, and you were nodding before the words were out of her mouth.
She unzipped your flies with ease, slipping her hand underneath your pants and slipping down, down, until-
'Fuck.' You moaned, her finger gliding over your clit.
She stayed there for a while, long enough for your hips to roll into her hand, for the knot to tie tighter in your abdomen.
You whimpered when she moved her fingers, further, then they were pushing at your entrance, and you threw your head back as she pushed forward.
'Rao.' She muttered above you, moving her fingers out, before plunging them back in again.
Your eyes rolled back on their own accord, and you fisted Kara's t-shirt, pulling her into a kiss.
It was sloppy, and mainly just breathing into each others mouth, when you realised you were neglecting Kara completely.
Your brain was completely fucked, but you managed to slip a hand into her sweats, and you moaned in response to the groan of pleasure Kara let out as you rubbed her clit.
It wasn't long before both of you were moaning at each movement, and the knot snapped as you came, turning your face to scream into the pillow.
Kara groaned above you, and you felt the evidence of her orgasm trickle onto your hand.
There was a minute of catching breaths, before Kara slumped on top of you, taking her hand out of your jeans gently.
You held your breath. That wasn't meant to happen. Kara didn't even want that. Did she want that. Oh god.
'I'm sorry.' You said, your heart beat racing again, but for opposite reasons.
'What're you sorry for?' Kara's head shot up, a dazed confusion filling her face.
'I- I don't know it's just-'
'Baby. I wanted this as much as you did. In fact, I'd happily go again right now if you want to.' Kara was smirking, but it was soft and reassuring.
'Really?' You ask, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.
'Really really. Now, will you let me eat you out or not?'

Guys I'm a horrible writer who leaves you without stories for months. But here's this. Love you all.

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