Awkward conversations (Kara)

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'I see the way you look at her' Alex said from next to you. When she got there you had no idea, too engrossed in the sight before you.
'The way I look at her?' Your brain and the heat at the low of your stomach begged you to not tear your eyes off of her but you did.
'Like you want to- nope I don't want to think of my sister like that. Like you are in love with her.' You see the sympathy in her eyes, the clear invitation to talk about it.
'I'm not in love with your sister.' You lied. But you couldn't tell Alex. You just couldn't. Not yet. Maybe not ever.
'Yes you are. Anyone with two eyes can see it. Besides from Kara that is.' At the mention of her name, your eyes flicked back to where she was.
Her hair was up, but her glasses were off and her suit hugged her lean body. She threw punch after punch onto the punch bag, flexing her fingers once in a while which did nothing for your racing heartbeat. Her muscles contracted and relaxed tantalisingly under her suit and her chest heaved with each breath, drawing your ogling to that instead.
'Hey snap out of it.' You had basically forgotten Alex was there.
'See what I mean? You're in love with her.'
'Am not.' You huffed.
'Hey.' She took on a soft tone,'I know my sister. And I know it's easy to love her. Just- be careful. I don't want her to hurt you for something you can't control.'
'Yeah okay. Thanks Alex.' You walked away to get some water.
It was a week later when Winn startled you much the same.
'It's annoying isn't it?' He asked over his computer.
'What is?' You said, looking down at him from where you leant on his desk in CatCo and searched the office for blond hair.
'Loving Kara.' He said casually.
'What?' You basically shouted.
'Don't give me that. I've been there, done that. Don't get your hopes up, no offence but everyone's a little bit in love with her.' Winn shrugged.
'Oh yeah. Well thanks I guess.' You glanced up again in time to see Kara come out of the break room with a doughnut stuffed in her mouth. She locked eyes with you and gave a big wave.
It was another two when James did it.
'Welcome to the club' a sad smile gracing his face.
'What club?'
'The I'm in love with Kara but we're just friends club.' He said from his seat on the sofa.
You peered over to the dining room table where Kara, nia and Alex were playing monopoly to see if she was listening.
'Oh um thanks?'
It was another two when John said something about it.
'Can you stop being so in love with Kara in your mind for a second (Y/n)? It's getting difficult to focus on uno.' Your eyes disconnected from Kara's to glare at him.
'I can't help it!'
It fell silent after that and you saw Winn, Alex and James all look pointedly at Kara. Brainy, Nia and Maggie all did too.
'Kar... do you not have anything to say about that?' Alex said, eyes showing sympathy when they met yours before moving back towards her sister.
'What do you mean? My girlfriends allowed to love me Alex.' Kara replied, putting a yellow 7 on the pile.
A chorus of 'wait what?!'s echoed around the room.
'Just maybe tone it down a bit around John babe.' Kara giggled, obviously trying to hide it behind a hand.
'Babe?' Alex shouted.
'I love you too by the way.' Kara said facing you, taking your face in her hands and kissing you lightly on the lips.
'What?! You guys are going out?' Was said in almost complete sync.
'I thought it was obvious with how much I love Kara. And apparently how obvious I was about it.' You said, eyes still gazing into hers.
'I- oh my god. When I said...' Alex trailed off.
'Yup.' You replied.
'And when I said...' Winn added on.
'And when I said...' James was next.
They all groaned at the same time.
'I can't believe you could tell (Y/n) loved me but failed to notice I love her back.' Kara was still pretty much in hysterics.
They all groaned again.
'At least now they know I won't have to have more awkward conversations about my apparently unreciprocated feelings.' You mused, pressing your forehead into Kara's shoulder.

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