Back to you Part 3 (Kara)

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'Pods. Probably similar to yours. But I got stuck in the Phantom zone for a while and got here a while after Kal.' Kara explained.

'Do you know where your pods are?' You asked.

'Yes. Stored away in the Fortress of Solitude. I assume yours will be taken there as well.' Kal said.

'Fortress of Solitude? I'll have to go there sometime. My pod has stuff in it I want to keep. Please don't take it away yet.'

'You have stuff in your pod?' Kara basically whispered, her heart beating faster.

'1) yes. 2) I just heard your heartbeat and it's kind of freaking me out.' You replied.

She laughed wetly. 'Superhearing you'll get used to it.'

'I think I already have. The moment I got here it was a lot, but I think I have it in control.'

'Oh rao you had a sensory overload? Was there anyone to help you?' Her fingers skimmed over your arm in sympathy.

'No. I landed in a sandy are what are they called?'


'Yeah a desert and I didn't find anyone until Alex came and got me.' You shrugged.

'That must of been lonely.' Kara said.

'It wasn't really. Wasn't the Phantom zone lonely?'

'Yes terribly so. Was there anyone on the planet you crashed on?'

A wave of sadness washed over you.

'Yes. Her name was Saskia. She was the last of her kind.'

'Didn't she come with you?'

'No. She couldn't leave her homeland. We- we fell in love and it sucked to leave her there all by herself. But her home was there and my home... was gone.' You dipped your head. Memories of Saskia always caused a quiver in your lip. You never told anyone, but Kara had been your first love, Saskia was your second. It hurt to leave her but it had to be done.

'I'm sorry.' Kara said.

'It's fine real-'

'So you're a lesbian?' Alex interrupted.

'Alex.' Kara said, clearly embarrassed by her sister's question.

'It wasn't that big a deal on Krypton but on Earth I think your definition is bisexual. Is that right Kara?' You turned to look at her.

'Umm yes.' She turned a pretty shade of pink and looked at the ground.

'Hold up you're bisexual Kara?' Alex asked.

'Yes.' She whispered back, eyes still pointed to the ground.

'Oh rao I'm sorry Kara. That was not my place to say.' You said, rubbing your hand on her back.

'It's okay.' She finally looked up but only at you.

'Kar that's amazing. I'm proud of you.' Alex said, walking over to Kara and hugging her.

'Thank you Al. It means a lot.' She beamed at her once she'd stepped back.

'And thank you.' She turned to you.

'What for?'

'You made it a hell of a lot easier to come out to my sister.' She giggled.

'Oh. Well I guess you're welcome?'

'Come on. Let's leave Kara and (y/n) to catch up some more. I'm sure they've only just touched the surface.' Alex said, herding the rest of them out.

You and Kara sat in that room for hours, talking and hugging and crying and wondering how the universe made you so lucky to find each other again. You didn't tell her about how much love you held for her back on Krypton and what it meant, deciding against it because what was the point?

You learnt later on it was a full 20 hours before you left the room and went to Kara's to sleep, her insisting on you not crashing on a crappy DEO bed.

The next day, you got issued an apartment by the DEO and you were forever thankful for Alex who definitely pushed some buttons for you to get it.

Lena was extremely kind to you, learning that you were an advanced scientist even at the age of 12 on Krypton and offering you a job at L-Corp.

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