Mother (Lena)

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Your POV
'So this is Lena, my girlfriend.' You proudly pulled the raven haired woman slightly so she stood out in front of you. From behind her, you saw your mum smile lightly at the love of your life before pulling her into a tight hug. You could see Lena tense for a second before melting into the embrace.
'Nice to meet you Miss (L/n).' Lena giggled lightly, a sound you are so accustomed to as you had drawn it out of her so many times over the past 2 years.
'Lena, if you can make my daughter so happy, you can make me happy by calling me (Y/m/n).' Your mum kept a grip on Lena's shoulder, a motherly grip that made you grin.
'Okay. Okay. I will.' Lena turned her head to look back at you with a glint of love already in her eyes. You knew her and your mum would get along. You mum was a kind and loving soul and deep down under all the layers of pain Lena has gone through, she is too. Although she never admits it, she only lets you see that side of her. You feel honoured that you peeled those layers and uncovered what was underneath.
'Come on let's get you girls inside.' Your mum said and you walked up next to Lena after you went through the door, placing a soft kiss on the side of her head. She smiled softly at your gesture.
'Mum we're just going to go dump our bags in our room.' You shouted to your mum who had disappeared somewhere.
'Okay honey.' Was muffled but still heard by you and Lena.
After grabbing your shared suitcase and Lena grabbing your separate smaller bags and lugging them upstairs, you laid down on your bed and pulled Lena with you.
'(Y/n) what are you going?' She chuckled as you didn't answer but tightened your arm grip around her waist.
'I need five minutes with you before we go down.' You mumbled into her dark hair.
'Are you okay?' Worry laced her voice.
'I'm fine it's just-,' you didn't know how to explain it,' this is the first time I've introduced a girlfriend to my mum and my heart feels like it's about to explode.'
'You're overwhelmed baby. It's okay honey I'm overwhelmed too.' She laced her closest hand into yours and stroked it with her thumb. After a couple minutes of silence, she suddenly moved up to put her body on top of yours. It turned you on to say the least but knew her intentions weren't to have sex as she thumbed your hair near your ear.
She brought her beautiful face up to yours and whispered:
'Come on babe I don't want your mum to think we are having sex up here. Not the best first impression.' You giggled at her comment before slowly placing your lips on hers. When you both pulled away, you guys got up and went back downstairs.
'Hey Miss- (Y/m/n) do you need any help with anything?' Lena asked politely, creating a smile of gratitude at her kindness.
'Can you cook?' My mum asked.
'Hmm, I'm not the best but I can make some things.' Lena replied. She was clearly understating as I remembered the amazing meal she cooked for Valentine's Day this year.
'Okay well we can make dinner whilst (Y/n) does my washing.' Your mum smirked at you.
'Mum you know I hate the washing can I cook and you do it?' You said in a whiney voice.
'No. I want to get to know the girl who you love and see if she's worthy.' She glanced with fake caution at Lena, causing her to laugh her gorgeous laugh.
'Fine.' You grumbled as you went to grab the clothes.
About an hour later you heard your mum call you for dinner.
As you all sat down, Lena and your mum continued speaking about whatever they were before in the kitchen. After about 20 minutes of them chatting and you not interrupting, simply enjoying the sight of your two favourite people in front of you getting along, they turned to invite you into the conversation.
'So Lena is a goddess in the kitchen.' Your mum concluded as she finished her meal.
'Hey it was all you I was sue chef.' Lena said with a wide grin, obviously grateful for the compliment.
'Honey you're being too modest.' Mum said with an amused smile.
'Thank you (Y/m/n).' Lena accepted and a small hint of a blush poured into her cheeks.
'Well I'm heading to bed. That car journey took its toll on me.' You said as you stood up.
Lena frowned and furrowed her perfectly plucked eyebrows. 'You said you were fine to drive the whole way. You know I could've done some of it.'
'Lena babe you were fast asleep and I didn't have the heart to wake you. Night mum I'll see you in the morning. See you in bed love.'
They said their goodbyes to you and dove straight back into conversation.
You got into bed after brushing your hair and teeth and washing your face, a smile never leaving your face.
At around 3 am, you woke up to Lena silently slipping into bed and was about to wrap her arm around your waist when you moved to face her.
She let out a cute yelp.
'God (Y/n)! You scared the shit out of me.' She laughed.
'Sorry babe. Why are you up so late aren't you tired?' You said groggily.
'Me and your mum couldn't stop talking. She's wonderful.' Lena sighed as she embraced you.
'You're wonderful.' You replied, feeling the tug of sleep again.
The last thing you hears as you dozed off was Lena whispering.
'Thank you for letting me into your family. I love you.'

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