Hugs (Lena)

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'Are you okay Miss Luthor?' You asked gently, watching her rigid posture and tense, tight facial expressions.
'Fine. I'm fine.' She gave you a thin lipped smile and deflated slightly into the plastic seat.
'Hey... that was rough. You don't have to be fine.' You said slowly, the muscle in her neck straining abs then releasing when she let her head hang lower.
'I know.' She whispered.
You couldn't help the tug in your heart.
'Do you need anything?' You asked.
'No.' She said, hesitating.
'Are you sure?'
'Yes. Thank you.' Another hesitation.
You knew it was unprofessional. You knew you had only ever seen her 5 times at work and once at a games night (not that you were counting). You knew she had dismissed you kindly and you should go. What you didn't know was why your body didn't listen to your mind and you pulled her into a hug.
She was clearly surprised, a muffled gasp was directed into your shoulder, but she quickly melted into you and quietly wrapped one of her arms around your waist, placing her hand on your back.
It was clear she had needed at, as when you pulled away, her shoulders had slumped and her smile was more open.
You left her with a plastic cup of water and an unfair amount of questions your sister Alex had about what Lex had said to her this time.
'Lena... again?' You asked Kara, obvious distress in your tone.
'Yeah... Lillian got through her security to chat. Lena hasn't said anything to anyone since.' Kara was clearly upset too.
You looked past Kara's shoulder to take in the sight of Lena pressed against the wall, her back straight and muscles taught, as if ready to run there and then.
Hugging your sister briefly, you trudged over to one of your favourite people.
You reached her and pressed your head against the wall next to where her head was resting, slumping into it.
You said nothing, you did nothing.
It was 5 minutes before she spoke.
'I hate her.' She whispered, her voice hitching the tiniest of amounts.
'Hmm.' You hummed in agreement, turning your head to the side so you could trace her features with your eyes.
She glanced at you. The tiredness in her green orbs made you want to combust.
'I hate her.' She repeated, more venom in her voice.
You slowly lifted your head and finally made full eye contact with her. There was no anger or hatred, only hurt and aching in her eyes.
You gently pulled her off of the wall and into your arms. She sunk into the embrace immediately and didn't come out of it until 10 minutes later.
'Lee come in!' You opened the door and as soon as she was through, wrapped your arms around her small frame. She dipped her head into the crook of your neck and mumbled in greeting.
You tried to ignore Kara muttering 'that's the 2 minute mark' under her breath and kept a tight hold on Lena.
You only let go when Nia cleared her throat and asked Lena how her day was.
'I'm in love with you.' You blurted out, 50 minutes into a movie you weren't watching. You were watching her. You were always watching her.
She stared at you. She blinked. She smiled, as bright as the sun.
'I'm in love with you.' She retorted, shuffling further onto your side of the sofa.
Subconsciously, you knew she was, had caught her looking at you with doughy eyes many a time. It felt different when the words were said.
You reached over and pulled her with a gentle hand to her sharp jaw, not stopping until her lips were on yours.
It was everything at once, and had you gasping for air after a minute. She looked at you with heavy breaths and a small, but full smile. You pressed her body into yours and guided her head to your shoulder in a bone crushing hug.
'I love you. I love you. I love you.' You could say it now. You weren't going to stop.
'God your fingers are magical.' Lena panted out, finally coming back from her high.
'Want to see the magic again?' You and her both breathlessly giggled at your poor attempt at a joke.
'Not yet. I need a minute.' She breathed deeply in and out.
'Okay.' You moved your hand from her thigh and snaked it around her back, pulling her naked body into yours in a hug.
She moaned into your ear. Maybe not a hug then.
'I don't need a minute.' She said hastily, blindly reaching for your hand and pulling it back down to where it has been most of the night.
You looked down at silky black hair covering most of your top half. She was snuggled right into your boobs, her short arms wrapped tightly around your waist. You looked up at your tv. Our tv. It was playing a random show, neither of you really watching it, too busy in your own thoughts.
Lena mumbled something.
'What was that love?' You asked quietly.
'I love our new home.' You weren't sure whether she meant the house you had just moved into, or your arms, but you were fine with both.

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