Promise (Kara)

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'Hey Supergirl, Director.' You nodded at both women before sitting in your chair in front of your computer, trying not to huff as you did so.
You heard them murmur and rolled your eyes.
'What's up with her? What have you done this time?' Alex tried to whisper, failing.
'All I did was go out and not tell her where I was.' Kara replied annoyed.
You clenched your jaw. She didn't have the right to be annoyed.
'For how long?'
'Like 6 hours. But it's not like I was doing anything wrong! I was just flying around the city.'
'6 hours of no contact and you are wondering why she's mad?'
'Alex don't phrase it like that okay? It's not a big deal. She's overreacting.'
Tears lined your lashes as you listened, upset Kara wasn't understanding your point of view.
'Kara. I start panicking when Maggie isn't home for one hour, let alone 6.'
'Yes but I'm Supergirl. She knows I'm indestructible.'
'Need I remind you of the many times in the last 5 years you've almost died? And your wife's had to watch that?'
'But I've survived everytime!'
'Kara do you remember a year ago? When you called me that one afternoon and said, oh Alex I'm stressing out I can't see y/n's location I don't know where she is oh rao what if she's dead in a ditch? And then turns out she went to the shop 30 minutes before and had texted you you just hadn't seen? Imagine that but for 6 hours, with no text beforehand. I know without a doubt you'd have search parties sent out.'
'Yes but it's-'
'Don't you dare say it's different Kara Danvers. Just because you're Supergirl does not mean I don't worry about you. I've seen you on that medbay bed a thousand times over, so don't ever think I don't fucking worry. I thought a text to your wife to let her know you're okay wasn't asking for much, but clearly it's more than you can give me.' You whispered frustratedly, tears falling hot on your face as you stood up.
You didn't stick around to hear what she had to say, walking back the way you came from.
It was hours later when she found you, sat on a park bench with your head in your hands.
She sat down and breathed in, but you put a hand up.
'I think sometimes you forget that I don't have superhearing. I can't hear your heartbeat and pinpoint where you are. I can't hear if you're alive or dead when you're unconscious on our tv screen, or the DEO cameras. Everyday of our marriage, I worry about you. You are my whole entire universe, and to lose you would be to lose myself. Just because you're indestructible and you have that symbol on your chest does not take away my right to worry about my wife, who I love and cherish and wish would just let me know she's safe from time to time. You mean everything to me, and the fact you don't understand where I'm coming from with this really upsets me.' You're crying again, and Kara is a blurry blob in your vision.
But it's a blurry blob that's engulfing you in a tight hug, her breath coming as ragged as yours.
'I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry.' She muttered, and you could hear in her voice she was crying too.
'I didn't realise how much it effected you and I'm sorry. I always tune into your heartbeat, it's the sound I hear the most over anything else. When I can't see you, I can still hear you. I can't imagine how much worry I'd feel if I couldn't. I'm sorry.' Kara hugged you tighter and pressed a firm kiss to your forehead.
'I promise I'll text you when I leave. I will. I need to know you know I'm safe. I never want to put you through that worry again.'
And she stuck to her promise, as she always did.
Kara now sends you a text before leaving the house, even if you yourself aren't there, and gets Alex to text you instantly after each fight to update you on Kara's injuries.
You breathed deeper than you had before, knowing your wife is safe, and that she cares about you, and therefore cares about herself.

I have risen from the dead to claim the title of your favourite once a year uploading author! (i will try my best to do better. plz give me suggestions i'm clutching at zero straws)

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