Lips (Lena)

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In your sleep induced haze, you only registered the words that had been mumbled into your lips later that morning. Had she... really said that? You tried to push your still slightly tired mind back to when you first woke up to Lena splayed over your body. Yep, she had definitely said,' Lips are 100 times more sensitive than your finger tips.' halfway through kissing you. You took about 5 minutes to process it, standing in your shared kitchen in shock.
Noticing you were already late for work, you jotted down the weird fact in your notebook so you wouldn't forget later on. You had no idea whether to be confused or whether to melt at how soft and nerdy your girlfriend could be sometimes.
Of course, yours and Lena's busy schedule mean you completely forgot about what she had said, up until about a week later when it happened again.
You were waking up as she said it, but you heard it clearly.
'Humans have the same number of neck vertebrae as giraffes' was whispered gently into your neck, where her face was pressed into you.
You waited silently to see if she will say anything else, but she only placed a soft kiss there and melted even more into your embrace.
You tried to stifle a laugh for the absurdity and randomness of sleepy Lena but failed. It didn't matter anyway as she had fallen back asleep.
A quite, 'each hipbone is made up of 3 bones' is breathed into your left hipbone, right where a hickey lay, after a particularly active night where you were both so spent, you couldn't move into each others space properly.
'Arm bones are the most common bones to be broken by adults' is more felt than heard from the beautiful face mushed against your left arm another morning.
'A wet strand of hair can stretch up to 30% of its length' was murmured near the side of your head where strands had fallen onto Lena's pillow.
'The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body' when she was sprawled half over you and her cheek was pressed firmly into your right shoulder.
'When you blush, the lining of your stomach turns red too' when you awoke with her hair covering most of your waist, tickling the tops of your legs.
'The spine has over 120 muscles in it' when you had turned over in your sleep and her natural instinct was to follow your body heat.
Each one was written in the notepad and stored in your brain like a fun and lovely puzzle.
'The average breast takes up 3.5% of body fat' was the fact that finally made you crack, Lena having said it as she nuzzled her nose back into the crevas of your breasts before taking a deep breath as if she was about to fall back to sleep. But your surprising giggle made her dopey eyes look up.
'Hmm good morning. What's so funny?' She smiled up at you with those piercing green eyes.
'Do you really not know?' You asked between laughs, subconsciously stroking fingers through her soft dark hairs.
'No? What is it?' She had this adorable confused expression and you couldn't help but tone your laughter done a second to kiss her.
'You are the cutest nerd I've ever met.' You saw the small smile she only got with you.
'Thank you but I don't really know how I got that title.' She said, clearly still confused.
'You keep telling me random facts about the human body that's how!' You say back with a gentle chuckle.
'I what?' She said, sitting up now.
'Do you seriously not remember saying any of it?' You asked.
'No! I would remember something like that!' She said.
'Here.' You said and grabbed the ever filling notebook off your bedside table, placing it in her hand and trying not to get distracted by the long, slim fingers that had pleasured you so well last night.
'I- I said all of these things?' Lena asked whilst skimming the page with her eyes and going a pretty pink colour.
'Don't worry, it's cute.' You saw her confusion relax slightly when you said it, the constant reminder that she's not used to being loved and what that implies.
She was still growing a cute red when she closed the book and looked back up at you.
'Well that's really embarrassing.' She mumbled.
'Hey don't be embarrassed. It'll make your stomach lining go red too.' You couldn't help the small laugh that tumbled out as you made the joke. The smile and then full on laughing fit you got out of your girlfriend after lit your own laughter too.
Now, years later, Lena still gives you random facts to you in the morning, most of which she forgets she ever said.
However, there was one morning where she was certain of what she said and knew she had said it after as the ring on your finger (that then was accompanied with a wedding ring months later) was evidence enough.

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