Back to you Part 4 (Kara)

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For the first month, you borrowed Kara's and a few of Alex's clothes before getting your first pay check and investing in your own. You and Kara basically picked up from where you left off all those years ago, your connection clearly not wavering. You spent many movie nights and pizza nights at hers, and she taught you all about earth's culture and how it had changed. You bonded with Winn over science and computers, and you even got pretty good at video games. James taught you about cameras and business and Alex taught you how to fight. By the end of the first month, you had gone to several games nights and been invited into their group as if you had never been not in it.

The second month on Earth consisted of you and Lena becoming ever closer as you too worked on an L-Corp project, Winn helping from time to time. You and Alex worked through your powers and you soon realised you and Kara's were on par with each other except for laser vision which you were worse at because of lack of practice. The 'superfriends' went to a bar and you got drunk. You didn't do anything stupid thank rao, but decided against alien alcohol ever again. You and Kara became an unbeatable team in games night when you finally got all of the game rules. You got a phone which was really difficult to work but you figured it out with Winn and James's help.

On month 3, it was much the same. You felt yourself constantly drawn to Kara. It was just Kara Kara Kara. You saw her all the time, you thought about her all the time, you texted her all the time. It was borderline obsessive and you hated yourself for it. It was only after you 'hooked up' with someone from the bar and Kara came to the door sobbing after she heard about it that you knew you had a chance.
You let her in, the other woman having left ages ago.
'Kara... what's going on?' You said, trying to pull her into a hug she clearly didn't want right now.
'I- you- you slept with someone!' She said through sobs, closing in on herself.
'I did. Is that an issue?' You were confused.
'It's an issue!' She shouted.
'But why?'
'It's an issue because I'm in love with you.' You heard her heartbeat speed up insanely quickly, or was that your own?
'You- you're in love with me?'
'Yes! I have been my whole life!'
'No. Forget it. It's fine.' She thought you were rejecting her.
'I can't forget it because I'm in love with you too!' You shouted before she could get out of your door.
Her head snapped around.
You walked towards her.
'I'm in love with you too. Always have been. Always will be.' You got close enough to reach for her face and place your hand on her cheek.
'Rao, really Kara.'
And at that, she surged forward and kissed you. It was like being back on Krypton. It was like floating through space for the first time. It was like falling in love with your best friend.
Later, you would cringe at the fact you slept with two different people in the space of 24 hours, but at the time, you couldn't keep your hands off of Kara and she clearly couldn't keep her hands off of you. And the first person had definitely been a mistake, a distraction. But Kara... rao Kara was fantastic.
The first time was rough and rushed, the built up love for each other needing to flood out somehow. But there were several times that night, and the ones after the first were lovemaking, not fucking. There was eye contact, soft touches and smiles, giggles and breathy 'I love you's throughout. The next day, you went on dates, your whole day was a date, and you dropped Kara off at her house with the intention of leaving her there. But the goodbye kiss was too good to not follow up on, so you ended up on her bed that night.
For the next 5 months, it continued to swap between yours or Kara's, and one day you realised you hadn't spent a night apart since the first.
'Will you move in with me?' You said one day, looking down at the draw of Kara's stuff that was in your bedroom.
You looked up at Kara who was making grabby hands at you to join her.
'Yes.' And it was that easy. You moved your stuff into her apartment and that was that. Her home became yours, the only differences being the small things you had taken from Krypton in your pod were littered on her (your) shelves.
Lena promoted you and Kara got promoted too, and when she struggled to handle both her jobs, the DEO brought you in and asked for your assistance.
It was then that you not only became a power couple in normal life, you became a power couple as superheroes. At first you tried to hide it from the press, but rumours spread and Kara did nothing to help them when, after a particularly rough fight between you and an alien, she kissed you in relief.
The DEO didn't really care, and the public went nuts for it.
It was a year and a half later when Kara offered you a bracelet. You knew what it meant. And the glasses over eyes of your girlfriend only confirmed it.
But if you needed more, the choked 'Will you marry me?' was definitely enough.
You said yes, but not before taking out the bracelet you had been preparing to give to her on the exact same night and laughing about how in sink you both were.
After a year of marriage, an unknown spacecraft appeared and the DEO brought it in.
You were surprised to find out it was Saskia from all those years ago. She explained she made a big mistake and made her own pod to follow after you. It was hard to admit to her it was over between you long ago, and you were married to Kara, but she eventually understood. Not without trying to give Kara a broken nose and ending up with a broken hand herself though.
A few months later, you remembered what was stuffed in the back of your pod, something your mother had put there.
You kept it a secret from your wife until you had gotten it back and checked with Alex and Lena that it would still work. They both gave you tight hugs when you told them about it. When you showed Kara, she cried for hours, babbling on about how she'd always wanted children with you but never thought it was possible. Turns out, with the Krypton mating machine you had, it was very possible.
Years later, you would sit under the stars with yo ur two daughters and your wife, and you'd tell them about Krypton and the life you and Kara lived there, and how your love carried over the univers and you found your way back to each other.
'I love you hunter'
'I love you too chaser'

this was a really long, slow burn story. don't know what brought it on but i hope you liked it. let me know if you want more of these or just one shots!

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