Leo (Lena)

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Your heart was so full. It felt like you were exploding from the inside. You couldn't stop yourself from looking back into those small, but ever so bright green eyes that stared back at you. You couldn't stop yourself from tracing your finger lightly over chubby, soft cheeks. You couldn't stop yourself from taking in every feature of the little bundle in your arms.
You leant your head down and gently brushed your nose over a smaller one a few times, still needing physical evidence that he was finally here. You breathed in the baby smell and touched your forehead onto his, knowing a towel had gotten rid of the sweat due to labour. Your smile hurt with how wide it is. You trailed a finger up his squishy arm and melted when his tiny fingers wrapped around it as you got to his hand. Love and warmth and happiness coursed through your aching body and nothing was stopping it. Except maybe for the fact that your wife wasn't here. The other pair of green eyes that held your entire world were far away on another earth trying to help the Supergirl and DEO. You closed your eyes for a second, feeling overwhelmed entirely by the pain of labour, the happiness of the boy in your arms and the sadness that Lena isn't here to meet him yet.
'We've sent a signal but I don't know how long it will take to transmit and then how long it will take for them to read it.' Alex said with sympathy, coming back into the room after handling some paperwork.
'She'll be so upset she missed it.' You said quietly into the air between you and him.
'I know. I don't think it'll last when she meets her son.' She says, the smile evident in her voice even if you hadn't looked up.
'I can't stop looking at him.' You mumbled into his cheek, placing the 100th kiss into the soft flesh.
'I know the feeling. I couldn't stop when I had Lila.' Alex replied, sitting down on a chair next to your bed.
'Do you want to hold your nephew again?' You asked her, begging she said no so you didn't have to move but knowing it was a nice thing to say.
'I'm good. I've already had him and he looks very comfortable in the arms of him mum.' Alex replied and you let out a short sigh of relief, stopping when he squirmed slightly underneath your breath.
'It feels like a dream Al.' You still hadn't looked up at your sister but you knew she wouldn't mind, your full attention still on the baby.
'It isn't. You really have a baby.' She said softly, placing a chaste kiss to the side of your head.
'I really have a baby.' You muttered into said baby's forehead.
'I'm going to go check on the messages. Hopefully, they've seen the emergency I sent out and Kara will be flying Lena back to you in no time.' You heard her walk to the door.
'Need anything?' She asked.
'Only this.' You said, your eyes flickering from his eyes, to his nose, to his mouth.
You heard a chuckle from Alex as she left.
An hour later (it could've been longer you had no idea of the time frame) you heard frantic footsteps in the hallway, but still couldn't pry your eyes away.
That is, until you heard a familiar choked gasp from the doorway.
'Hey love.' You croaked out as your wife walked carefully, but with urgency to your side.
You didn't get a reply. You didn't get any words at all. Lena stayed silent as she took in the baby in your arms. Slow tears rolled down her cheeks as she studied him. When she finally tore her eyes away and met yours, her smile was colossal.
'Oh my god.' Was all she could get out as her eyes flicked back to your son and her gaze settled once again on him.
'Do you want to hold him?' You asked gently, and for the first time, you meant those words and you wanted to let go of him.
'Yes.' She replied, struggling to get any other words out.
You cautiously placed him in her waiting arms, arms you knew from experience were strong and full of love.
You watched as she proceeded in the same examination you had done many times already.
You watched as her face poured with love and protection and every other emotion in the book.
She stayed like that for what felt like forever.
'He- he's beautiful.' She whispered.
'He is.' You replied and your smile matched hers.
Her soft demeanour was so familiar to you, but it was so incredible to see it every time. Like now.
'I don't want to ever let go.' She admitted, with another wet laugh.
'You might have to otherwise I will implode.' You joked, your voice still hoarse from crying through the pain of pushing a baby out. That same voice made her eyes fall back to yours.
'Are you okay? How was it?' She slowly moved an arm from where it was and tentatively grazed her fingers over your hairline and cheek, landing and staying there.
'Im fine, just achy. It was long and painful and I missed you.' The unspoken 'I needed you' was known to both of you and you saw the instant regret and sorrow in her eyes.
'I'm so sorry I wasn't here. I should never have gone with Kara on that mission.' Tears accumulated in her eyes again and you watched a few fall.
'Hey. Hey. None of that. You didn't know. No one knew. It's not your fault.' Her tears still fell silently.
'I would hug you but I can hardly move.' You tried to joke but her tears seemed slightly more forceful after.
'Come here.'
She climbed into the small hospital bed, weary of the precious bundle in her arms.
You winced slightly at the movement and she shot back up.
'No. No you're fine. Sit back down.' You said and she did, albeit a bit more slowly this time.
You wrapped a heavy arm around her and buried your head into her shoulder, not only for her but for you. You had missed her over the few days she was gone.
Her crying subsided quickly, and you thought it may have something to do with the happiness that came with looking at the boy.
'How long was labour?' She asked after placing a kiss on your cheek and nose and every other bit of skin she could find.
'About 5 hours.' You shrugged.
'Shit I should've checked my messages more frequently.'
'Hey no swearing in front of the baby. And it's fine Lee you were busy. I get it.' You took in her features as you talked. They were so similar to the baby's.
'I'm never busy enough for you. And I'm never going to be busy enough for him either.' She stared down at the boy who already looked so much like her.
'What shall we name him?' You tucked your chin on her shoulder and peered down at your baby.
'Leo.' She said clearly.
'Leo.' You repeated.
'I love you.' She said.
'Are you talking to Leo or me?' You asked with a chuckle.
'Both of you.'
'I love you too.'
You heard a crash in the hallway and then a barge through a door.
'Where's my nephew?' Kara squealed.

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