Insane pt 2 (Lena)

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'Stop that guys come on! Professionalism please!' Kara groaned in despair, appearing back in the room out of no where.
'Kar, it's not like we had our hands down our pants, we only kissed once.' You huffed back, the way Lena was looking at you made you wish you did have your hand down her pants.
'Tell that to Lena. She's eye fucking you as we speak.' Kara snapped back with no malice.
'Cant argue with that. It's the suit. It does something to me.' Lena purred, leaning enticingly forward, angling her body to show you a generous amount of her cleavage. You, as ever, took the bait, your eyes glancing downwards, imagining all the-
'She wears a suit everyday Lena.' Kara's voice cuts through your arousing imaginations.
'Exactly my point.' Lena mutters, smirking at you before placing one playful peck to your lips.
'Kara, dear friend of mine, lifelong buddy if you will, when is this interview starting?' You glance at her, playing with some cameras, and sighing inwardly.
You adored Kara, and she had stuck with you through thick and thin, but she was a procrastinator through and through, usually leaving you watching her scramble around, or forcing her to work so you can prevent the inevitable scrambling around.
'We don't have all day Kara.' Lena plastered on, grinning to you and patting your knee as you giggled.
'It was bad enough you two being my friends before. Now that everyone knows you're a power couple, it makes both of you all the more insufferable.' Kara grumbled, fiddling with flash cards before slumping down on a couch opposite to you.
'You take that back Kara Danvers. Lee brings out the best of me.' You clutch your chest as you feign hurt.
'Whatever. Let's get on with this then.' Kara sighed.
'Stop acting like you didn't beg us to come here Kara. It's all anyone's talking about these days.' Lena joked, her arm wrapping around your waist as a few crew members entered.
You quickly brushed your nose along her cheek, placing a kiss to her temple.
'You are the talk of the town, that's for sure. Cat's gonna get crazy views on this.' Kara agreed.
'Can't believe our friendship has resulted in you using us for fame.' You reach to slap Kara.
'As if! Witnessing your emo phase would never be worth any amount of fame.' Kara jested back, settling further into the couch to miss your swatting hand.
'Lena. Tell her to stop being mean to me.' You huffed.
'Sweetheart I have to agree. I've seen the photos.' You were muttering about betrayal when someone came in and told Kara they were ready to start rolling.
'Right. Game faces on.' Kara rolled her eyes when both you and Lena just stared at her blankly.
'You know the drill. Be yourselves. Answer the questions but don't ramble too much.' Kara straightened up, pitching her body forward and fixing any rumples in her shirt.
'Ready in 3, 2, 1.' The cameraman said, signalling to Kara that the camera was now recording.
'Hello. It's me, Kara Danvers, for Catco. Today we have two special guests you've all been screaming for us to get on, ever since their announcement earlier this year. They've both been close friends of mine for many years, and even I didn't know of their relationship until February. We're here today to pick apart their story, and finally have some much needed answers to our many questions. Lena Luthor and her wife, (Y/n) (L/n), it's so lovely to finally have you on!' Kara introduces.
'Good to be here Kara. And good to be able to call this gorgeous woman to my right my wife out in the open.' Lena leant towards you slightly, giving your cheek a soft brush of her hand.
'You guys are nauseatingly adorable. So, tell us about how you met.' Kara grinned, knowing this was one of your favourite questions to answer now you could.
'Lena and I met in boarding school. We became very fast friends, but I wasn't sure if she liked my company as much as I liked hers. It was the last day when she kissed me for the first time. We did the whole long distance thing, and I'm forever grateful for Lena's family's money that allowed her to visit me so often. We've been living together for about 7 years, and married for 5.' You watched Lena nod in agreement, rubbing her back just the way she liked it.
'That's the only thing good that came out of being a Luthor.' Lena joked.
'So were you both each others first kiss?' Kara continued
'Yes' 'Yep' You both said.
'And you both own companies. How does that effect your relationship?' Kara asked.
'We've never let business get in between our relationship. We succeed on our own, and support each other as a team. That's how our dynamic has always worked.' Lena explained.
'And have either of you struggled with juggling work and relaxation time?' You ignored Kara's suggestive eyebrow waggle.
'We've had it lucky, with both of us being so like minded. If Lee doesn't get home on time, I'll drive over to L Corp and sit with her as she works, and her the same for me. We both understand the commitments we have to our companies, but value our personal time immensely.' You answered.
'What's your favourite things to do in your spare time?' Kara asked.
'Well, if we're keeping it pg, we love board games.' Lena winks at the camera as you flush.
'And binge watching TV.' You added on, still red.
'And if we aren't keeping it pg?' Kara smirked.
'Kara!' You hissed, ears burning.
'If we aren't keeping it pg, my favourite pass time is bending her over every surface of our house and-'
'Okayyy Lena! We're gonna have to cut that out of the final video.' Kara had a small tinge on her cheeks, and yours were heated, whereas Lena sat smug and grinning.
'Can we move onto the next question please Kara?' You asked in despair.
'Are children on the cards for you guys?' Kara asked, a special, soft look in her eyes.
You looked over to your wife, nodding for her to answer with a smile splitting your face in half.
'They are. In fact, I've recently fallen pregnant.' Her hand fell to her stomach, no clear sign of your baby present yet, and yours followed, hand clasping hers.
'Thankfully I knew about this announcement otherwise there'd be words. But congratulations again. I for one am extatique to meet my niece or nephew.' Kara's grin matched yours.
'God Kara's going to be such an obnoxiously cool aunt.' You groaned, melting further into Lena's side.
'That I am. Any name ideas yet?' Kara asked.
'Not yet. We're working on a list.' You answered, heart light at the thought of your unborn child.
The interview carried on, Kara asking more questions about the baby and future business plans.
After it was done, and the cameraman announced he had stopped recording, you scooped Lena up into a hug.
Bodies crushed together, Kara skipped over and joined the now three man hug.
'Hey Kara?' You asked.
'Wanna come home with us and binge Greys Anatomy?' You whispered.
'I'll come over in a couple of hours. I've had to witness Lena look at you for the past two hours, I know what she wants to do when you guys get home.' Kara shook herself in disgust. Lena laughed.
'She's not wrong. And a pregnant woman gets what she wants. Kara come over at 6. Bring Alex and Maggie along.' Lena dragged you out of the room, waving goodbye to Kara.
'Funny, you said you bent me over as your favourite pass time. That happens to be mine too.' You say, watching her breath hitch.
'This is why we work so well together. You get me. Now get in the car and drive us home, so we can indulge in our favourite hobby.' She smirked, nibbling at your lower lip lightly before prancing away.
Insanity has never felt so good.

So... @_sijeco_ asked, and I hope I delivered.
As always, if you want to see something specific, please leave a comment and I'll get on it!!!

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