Belong to you part 5 (Alex)-some smut if you squint

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It was hours later that you decided to bite the bullet and finally tell someone about where you actually come from.
'Hey Al?' You said, hoping she wasn't asleep.
'Yeah.' She sounded tired, but shuffled so she was facing you and you knew she was up to talk.
'There- there was a reason I didn't want you to put your fingers in me earlier.' You stammered out of nerves, and watched Alex's blush form.
'Yeah? What is it (y/n)?' She traced a finger over your cheek.
'I'm an alien.' You shut your eyes out of fear.
'What type?' She asked calmly. Why wasn't she freaking out?
'I come from a planet called Nautice. I- I didn't know if I might've broken your fingers.' You took a shuddering breath.
'Hey it's okay. Thank you for not breaking my fingers. And thank you for telling me.' She said kissing you softly.
'How are you not questioning my sanity right now?' You couldn't help but ask, knowing on earth aliens were conspiracy.
She shuffled again.
'Kara may be an alien too.' She said.
'Woah. Cool. What planet is she from?'
'Krypton. It blew up and she came here.'
'Oh god.'
'Yeah. it was rough. What happened to yours?' She huddled closer to you so your noses were touching.
'A plague. My parents sent me away before I caught it.' You whispered.
'That's horrible I'm sorry (y/n).' She says.
'It's okay. Some days the memories are a lot but most of the time they're manageable.'
'So you have powers?'
'Some yeah. I can show you them if you'd like.'
'Tomorrow. For now tell me about your planet?' She asked in a hopeful voice.
'Of course.'
You talked for hours until you both fell asleep, probably half way through a conversation.
Thankfully, you woke up to Kara opening Alex's door instead of Jeremiah or Eliza, because she squealed a 'sorry' and ram straight back out. You giggled when you realised she had noticed you and Alex both didn't have any clothes on. Alex woke up seconds later and giggled with you, placing a loft, loving kiss on your lips before getting up.
You both dressed and went downstairs for breakfast.
'Hey Kar. How was Lena's?' You asked.
A full blush adorned her cheeks, and you weren't sure whether it was the 'Lena' aspect or the fact she saw you naked a minute ago.
'Good. How was your night?'
'You can guess how it was.' You said. Kara turned redder and Alex looked confusedly at both of you.
'Y-yup I guess I can.' She mumbled under her breath.
'What was that?' Alex said.
'She said she guess she can.' You replied, your hearing picking it up.
'Wow you have good ears.' Kara said from her side of the table.
'Alien.' You smirked when Kara choked. Alex hit you lightly on the shoulder.
'We- yeah- well I guess aliens would- would have good ears.' She stuttered.
'(y/n) stop being mean.' Alex said, no malice in her voice.
'Sorry. Sorry. Kara. It's nice to officially meet you. I'm (y/n) princess of Nautice.' You held your hand out waiting.
'What?' She whispered.
'I'm an alien too.' You whispered back with a chuckle.
'W- I'm not an alien?!' She said, eyes flicking to Alex.
'Yes you are.'
'No I'm not.'
'Alex told me.'
She deflated 'Kara ZorEl last survivor of Krypton.' She grabbed your hand with force.
'Backtrack for a sec you're a princess?' Alex said.
'Did I not tell you that last night? Oops. Yeah I am. My parents were the king and queen.' You said.
'Holy shit my girlfriend is royalty.' She grinned at you and bumped your side whilst placing a kiss to your temple.
'Kara you're not doing anything today are you?'
'I have nothing planned why?'
'Tell me about Krypton? I've only heard so much from the books from home.'
'Only if you tell me about Nautice.'
'Hey what about me?' Alex butted in.
'You can go see Lena?'
'Bye babe.'
'Yeah whatever love you both.'
'Love you too.'
You felt much lighter after you had told them and then Lena a few days later and the rest of your friend group a week after that. You were allowed to test your powers against Kara's and it was nice to finally have people to talk to it about. You could tell Kara felt the same.
But the person you talked about it to the most was Alex. She would listen and nod and laugh and hold you at all the right times, and you loved her all the more for it.
You had sex quite consistently, never being able to take your hands off of each other when you had the chance to be alone.
One risky chemistry lesson almost led to your hands down her pants, but your teacher called on you to explain a formula and you couldn't exactly say no to that. Let's just say, you were lucky no one walked into the girls toilets after that lesson. But it wasn't just for pleasure. You weren't just touching each other for release. It was all out of love and out of care, and that was the thing that turned you on most. You knew each other's bodies inside out after a few months, and you marvelled at her figure every time you saw it. She was always obsessed with your abs, drawing patterns on them and sliding her fingers along them, and sometimes even getting herself off on them. You were obsessed with her boobs. They were full and perfect and fit in your hand so well, you often found yourself waking up from a sleepover cupping her breasts. Your obsession also ended up with your hand under her hoodie when the rest of your friends were right next to you. You were watching a movie at Alex and Kara's house, and you couldn't get your mind to stop thinking of the things you had done to Alex only an hour before when Kara was out for her morning run.
So you had subtly snuck the blanket upwards so both yours and Alex's bodies were more covered.
You burrowed your face into her neck and bit down there. Her breath hitched.
You gently whispered a 'Kara.' You didn't look up but heard the small 'yeah?' you got in return.
'Turn your ears off for a bit?' You asked with an embarrassed smile pressed to Alex's skin. You did not want her sister to have to hear heart beat speed up.
'Eww. Really? With all these people around?'
'We aren't actually going to have sex right here Kara, but do you really want to know how good Alex's bre-'
'Stop stop stop. I'll turn my ears off.'
A few seconds later you heard one last thing.
'Can you turn yours off too?' You subtly looked up and saw the way Lena was leaning into Kara.
'Yes of course.'
You traced your hand up under Alex's clothes, tracing small circles as you went.
She hid a groan into your hairline that could've easily be seen as a nice kiss.
Once you found your destination, you grinned at the fact Alex had decided against a bra after your activities of the morning.
Alex bit her lip so hard you could feel the pain in your own out of sympathy, but that didn't stop you from palming her boob and rubbing your knuckles over her hard nipples.

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