Eye (Kara)

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'Eliza, the shed is nearly done.' You shout upstairs.
The woman walks down to you and pats you on the shoulder.
'What would I do without you?' She smiled gently at you.
'Probably make one of your daughters come down here and do it. From what you've told me about their high school lives I bet they'd be able to lift the shed, let alone lift a few roof tiles and fences.' You chuckle.
'You overestimate my girls. Besides, they're far too busy to come visit their old mom half the time.' The spark in her eyes faded slightly.
'I'm sure they miss you millions Eliza.' You side hugged her and she patted your chest.
'Yes yes. You'll have to meet them the next time they come home. You're a gorgeous girl, maybe I should set one of them up with you.' You blush lightly.
'You flatter me. I'm sure there are a lot of pretty girls in the city that don't smell like Midvale air.' You joke. She laughs and walks away to the kitchen.
'None that have caught my girls eyes. Care for a tea?' She asked.
'Yes please.'
A week later, you were painting the outside of the shed, your headphones in and blaring music.
The ladder you were standing on rattled a little bit and you huffed out a laugh.
'Eliza what did I say about rattling this old thing. One day it'll break on me.' You took your headphones off.
'I hate to disappoint but I'm not Eliza.' You glanced down at the unfamiliar voice and were greeted with startlingly blue eyes.
'Not a disappointment at all, ma'am.' You breath out, eyes raking over the bright blond locks and handsome face.
She blushed prettily.
'Mom wanted me to offer you a tea?' She squeaked out. Hot and cute.
'Ahh you must be Kara?'
'That would be me.' She beamed and you melted.
'Eliza said something about blue eyes and sunshine. She was right about both. She failed to mention the pretty girl that comes with it.' You wink, your heart skipped a beat when she bowed her head and tucked some hair behind her ear.
'Aha um yeah she's talked about you too.' She said.
'I'll take the tea please ma'am.' You smile down at her.
'You- you can call me Kara you know?' She said, walking backwards but keeping steady eye contact.
'I'll keep that in mind.' You say, grinning when she trips slightly, catches herself, blushes, then turns to go inside.
You finish up painting the right side of the fence quickly, wanting to grab the tea you know is sitting on the side for you.
Opening the door, you catch something you definitely shouldn't of heard.
'Yes but Alex she is the most drop dead gorgeous person I've seen in my life she's-' Kara stops when she sees you at the doorway, halfway to reaching your tea.
'You must be Alex.' You answer the sudden silence, sticking your hand out.
She grasps it firmly.
'Nice to finally meet you.' You grin.
'And I didn't get to properly introduce myself earlier, I'm (y/n).' You stick your hand out for Kara and she grasps it, holding on for a little too long, not that you noticed.
'Kara.' She said back gently, her piercing eyes searching yours.
'Eliza's told me a lot about you two.' You pull back, coughing off the butterflies that woman's touch has given you.
'She's told us a lot about you too. You are definitely her favourite decorator. And Kara's new favourite thing to look at.' Alex says, the last part murmured.
Kara slaps her, looking at you to see if you heard.
You rub your neck and blush.
'Your mother is definitely my favourite client.' You retort, trying desperately to ignore your heart's uptake in pace.
'Speak of the devil.' Kara mutters, and a second later Eliza joins you in the kitchen.
'Ah my girls you've finally met (y/n).' She walks over and throws an arm over Alex's shoulder.
She raises her eyebrows at you and points at Alex and Kara with her eyes.
You roll yours, grabbing your tea and taking a sip.
'This is wonderful as always Eliza thank you.' You hum at the warmth and grin.
'My pleasure. Only fair of me after all you've done to this house.'
'It has never looked better.' Kara comments.
'All thanks to this one. I'm never letting you leave.' Eliza pointed at you.
'I never want to. Especially after today.' You glance at Kara and watch in satisfaction as she blushes down to her collar.
'I knew you'd fancy one of them.' Eliza grinned at the blush you now sported too.
'Hmm I'm going to have to get back to painting before it gets dark. Enjoy your afternoon ladies.' You nod your head at the three woman.
'You too.' Kara shouted before you could get out of the door.
You looked back at Alex and Eliza smirking at her.
'Thank you ma'am.' You shut the door and practically skip back to the shed.
A few hours later, you hear the sound of footsteps.
'Can I help you ma'am?' You know it's Kara before you even turn around.
'I was hoping you'd keep me company? Eliza and Alex have gone into town and I find myself really bored.' Kara exaggerates her shrug and pouts and how the hell can anyone say no to this girl.
'Of course. I'm almost done anyway.' You grin at the instant, all consuming smile she wears.
'I'll wait for you inside.' She says, giving you one last large grin before taking off back to the house.
Half an hour later, you step inside and head to the living room where music is playing.
'Hi.' Kara said gently.
'Hi.' You sat on the sofa, a respectable distance.
'Is the shed nearly done?'
'After the last coat of paint tomorrow it'll be finished.'
'My mom will surely find you something else to do.'
'She always does. It's like she breaks things on purpose to keep me coming round.'
'She adores you. Every phone call it's (y/n) this and (y/n) that.'
'If the age gap wasn't as large, I'd be concerned your mom has a thing for me.' You joked, watching as her face scrunched into a cute scowl.
'I hate to crush your hopes, but she's as straight as a pole.'
You laughed.
'Don't worry, I'm not into clients. Their hot daughters though...' You smirked at the bright blush that took over her face.
Kara giggled like a smitten schoolgirl, and you sank into the couch further.
'How long are you staying for?' You asked shyly.
'A week. Would you- do you want to maybe.. uh maybe hang out again before I go?' Kara was looking anywhere but you, fiddling with her fingers, and you found it adorable.
'Kara Danvers, are you asking me out?' You couldn't help but tease, your heartbeat hammering and grin splitting your face.
'Well, only if you want-'
'I would love to.' You say softly, hand grazing her twitching ones.
'Oh! Okay awesome. Brilliant. Good.' Kara nodded like an excitable puppy, eyes bright.
'Good.' You repeat, watching her throat bob.
'It'll get my mum off my back. She's wanted us to meet, and you know get along, for ages.' Kara revealed.
'She wouldn't stop bragging about how wonderful her girls were to me. Thought I'd catch either yours or Alex's eyes when you met me.'
'Well, she wasn't wrong.'
You blushed under her gaze.
Eliza Danvers, I owe you one.

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