Roadtrip (Sam)

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Your eyes are on the road, trained solely on the road.
Okay, maybe they did wander over to your best friend from time to time but that was just because the sun glinting through the window was hitting her perfect face at the perfect angle and the laugh you were drawing out of her every 5 minutes was perfect and she was just so perfect.
'Eyes on the road dingus. Don't want us dying out here.' She grinned and you spent a second too long looking at her perfect smile before doing as she said. You could never say no to her.
'Whatever you say Sam. We both know I'm the better driver.' You smirked when you heard her splutter cutely, desperately stopping yourself from looking over again.
'Dork.' She muttered, and you grinned, the smile going all the way into your eyes and making your face squint up.
'The dork you're stuck with.'
'I wouldn't want any other dork.' She said, less playful and more intense, making your eyes flick to hers. You held the eye contact she was making, staring at you as if you should know something.
'Eyes on the road.' She said softly a few seconds later, shaking herself and shaking off whatever moment that had been.
'Okay. Eyes on the road.' You agreed, forcing yourself to sit straight forward again and watch the road ahead.
Your mind wandered though. Wandered back to the woman beside you. Wandered back to the constant fantasy of her loving you in the way she never would.
You visibly shuddered to shake it off and you could practically feel Sam's questioning gaze but she said nothing.
You sat in comfortable silence for a while, you keeping your promise of looking at the road and not her, the only thing keeping you going is the fact you have the whole week to look at her when you're off the road.
When you finally got to the hotel, it was late and dark.
Sam trudged out of the car and you followed, stretching your stiff legs.
'God I'm glad we finally got here. Let's get inside and then get something to eat?' Sam asked whilst grabbing the bags.
'Mmh you know the way to my heart way too easily.' You said, your stomach grumbling at the thought.
'Good.' Sam said, opening the door and striding through with her unfairly long legs.
You stumbled slightly, not quite used to her slight flirting with you every so often even though it's been years.
But she was straight so you had to tell yourself it was friendly and funny. You forced out a laugh that was obviously fake but whatever.
By the time you got up to the front desk, Sam had the keys and was saying thank you to the man.
'Let's go honey.' She said, batting her eyelashes.
Once you got in the elevator, she exhaled.
'I paid for a cheaper room which was a couples only offer or something so we had to look the part.' Sam explained.
'Well we do don't we? We always get mistaken for a couple.' You shrugged.
'Yeah. Yeah we do.' Sam had a faraway look and you furrowed your brows.
'Are you missing Ruby already? I knew you would the moment you stepped out of the door.' You said, punching her arm lightly and laughing.
'I am a bit. Aren't you? You're like her second mother.' Sam said.
'I miss her so much.' You said, more quieter and with less teasing. Because you did miss Ruby as if she was your own daughter.
'We can facetime her when we get to our room.' Sam said softly.
You did facetime her, and it was good to see her face again. You blushed at the 'hey moms' she said through the phone, showing a drawing of the three of you she did today and talking for most of it.
When you were in bed, the slightly awkward 'goodnight' from you being replied with a gentle 'goodnight' from her sleepy voice, you tossed and turned, not being able to sleep.
You slipped out of bed and silently walked out to the balcony.
You breathed in deeply and slumped onto the railing slightly.
'I love her.' You whispered quietly.
'I love her and I don't know what to do.' You murmured, your head up and staring at the stars.
Usually talking to the stars helped you solve issues on your mind. When your dad died, your mom had told you he was up there. That was when you were young, but you hadn't rid yourself of the habit.
'Who are you talking to out here?' A tired mumble came from behind you.
You jumped, your heart going a mile a minute.
Had she... heard?
'My dad. You remember what my mom told me about the stars?' You said shakily. You had told her once, a while back when you hit a rough patch.
'I remember yeah.' She shuffled to stand next to you.
You stood in silence for a while, both looking at the stars.
'Who- who were you talking about?' Sam said and you turned to see her looking directly at you, a sadness in her eyes you hadn't seen before.
'Umm... no one?'
Her brown eyes bore into yours and you gave up.
'It... you. I was talking about you.' You let out.
Her eyes held shock, still held shock when she grabbed your face and brought your lips against hers, swallowing your surprised gasp.
'Sam what-'
'Shut up and kiss me.' She breathed harshly between you as you pulled away.
You obviously couldn't say no to that, tugging her hips flush to yours and wrapping your arms around her waist before dipping your mouth to meet hers again in a searing kiss.
She tugged your body backwards and before you knew it you were back in front of your bed.
'Sam we should probably talk about this.' You said, whining pitifully at the loss of contact even if it was your doing.
'I love you. I love you back. You love me. I love you. (y/n) please.'
She loved you.
She loved you.
You gave up on talking after that.

I loved this prompt so thank you @madi_blossom . I might make a part 2 because I want to do something else with this story maybe some smut and a coming out to Ruby? Let me know if I should :)

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