Spider part 1 (Kara)

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'(Y/n) you're needed at the DEO too.' Your wife shouted through the house after putting the phone down on who you presumed was Alex.
'Okay babe give me a sec.' You shouted back, rummaging around your drawer to find anything other than Kara's sweats that seem to inhabit most of your wardrobe.
Once dressed and ready, you jogged to the balcony where a buzzing Kara was waiting.
'Hun, what's got you so excited?' You quickly lean up to brush your lips against hers before being pulled into her arms and she took off.
'Alex said we're going to fight a spider! Isn't that cool? Not an alien, a spider. It's so weird because I've never had to do it, and it clearly isn't doing too much harm but it's so cool and...' you let your wife's rambling continue so you could find comfort in her soothing voice and try and forget how high up you were.
When you touched solid ground again, you turned to your awaiting sister in law, who was in director mode instantly.
'Agent Danvers, I need you to set up a team to cover the ground. This spider is huge and could easily step on citizens. Try and get as many of them out of the way.' You nodded at her, concealing your usual smile towards her with a lip bite. It didn't go unnoticed that Kara's eyes were instantly drawn there by either you or Alex, but no one said anything. The teasing would definitely come later.
'Supergirl I need you to cover the air. Got it?'
'Yes director.' Your wife said in the steely, Supergirl voice she put on whenever on the job. If Kara noticed the quiet sharp breath you took due to the flash of arousal, she didn't say anything.
Alex turned around and Kara gave you a hard kiss, albeit quick.
'Be safe.' She whispered, and then was off into the sky.
'You too.' You said, knowing she could still hear you.
You assembled a bunch of agents quickly and put on your gear. Hopping into the black van, you closed your eyes for a split second and clutched the pendant of your necklace. It was something you did before every mission. The necklace was a gift from Kara on your one year anniversary of dating, around 3 years ago, and you hadn't taken it off since.
'Right. Everyone know what they're doing?' You asked, your own steely voice crackling through the comms.
At the nods from everyone, you opened the door and ran out, motioning them to follow.
What you saw was relatively manageable, far from the worst you had seen.
'Split up and get the people away from the legs.' You ordered, watching the 8 towering, hairy things move frantically through the buildings.
It was going fine, no one had been hurt and Kara was slowly tiring it out, figuring her heat vision did nothing to the creatures hard skin, until it wasn't.
'Danvers, there's a little girl to your right in the range of the 5th leg. I can't get to her, I'm on west side.' One of the agents said in your ear.
'I'm on it.' You said, eyes flickering to the direction and seeing the girl talked about. You scrambled towards her, worn out from the amount of ground you've had to already cover.
The 5th leg was getting dangerously close, so in a futile attempt to keep the girl away, you dived at her. The collision gave her body enough momentum to fall far enough away. Your sigh of relief was cut off by sharp, immense pain in your right ankle. Looking down at it through the uncontrolled tears that had sprung to your eyes, you screamed at the sight of the tip of a hairy leg impaled into it.
'Shit. Shit. Ahh.' You whimpered at the zaps of agony flowing through your body and watched as the blood pooled around your foot.
'Man down.' You managed to mutter into the comms as the dizziness overcame you and you fell into the darkness.

You woke slowly, and you felt... surprisingly fine?
You cracked your eyes open and the sight of worried blue eyes and a cascade of blond hair was the first thing that invaded your vision.
You heard the 'Kara move, I need to examine her' and the replied 'Alex, shes awake! Give her a few minutes before you turn all doctor on her' and opened your mouth to talk yourself but all that came out was a choked whine.
'Oh Rao let's get you some water.' Kara had tears in her eyes. Why did she have tears in her eyes?
After you had taken a tentative sip of water and cleared your throat gently, you tried again.
'What- what happened?' You finally said.
'Your foot was stabbed by a spider leg.' Kara said with compassion and complete love in her eyes.
'That's a sentence I never thought I'd hear.' You blurted out with a gravely laugh.
That at least got a quirk of a smile from Kara.
'Rao I've missed you.' She breathed out and squeezed your hands which were currently clenched in hers.
'Missed me? How long was I out?' You gave the worried sisters both a glance.
'(Y/n)... you were out for 6 days.' Alex finally answered.
'6 days... why would I be out for 6 days? It's just my ankle?' You asked, anxiety starting to claw its way up your spine.
'We don't know. On day 3 we detected some spider dna in your bloodstream, so my guess is you had some sort of spider poison inhabit your body for a bit.' Alex answered.
'Okay. Is it um gone now?'
'Yeah. It was the smallest trace of it and we haven't seen it again since.'
'And my foot? How is it?' You asked, the worst of your worries.
'It's fine. It needs to heal for about 8 weeks. You'll be on crutches, but the leg narrowly missed all of your major bones, only a few small ones are broken.'
You breath cracked with overwhelming relief.
'Thank god.' You sighed.
'Hey, we wouldn't of let anything happen to you. You know that.' Alex said.
'I know.' You looked over at your wife who had been uncharacteristically quiet.
'Kar.' You murmured, and Alex took that as her que to leave, silently going out the door.
She looked up at you, and for the first time you saw the tear tracks, and the dark bags, and the tense expression.
'I thought I might loose you.' She choked out wetly.
'Love, come here.' That was the only invitation she needed to hurtle herself at you.
She sobbed openly in your arms as you soothed her. You were surprised she hadn't accidentally used super strength and crushed you, she tended to sometimes go overboard, especially after tough missions, but you felt no pain from her embrace.
She quietened down after a while, still firmly planted in your lap.
Alex slipped back into the room after a few hours, asked a few mandatory questions, and at her sisters broken 'can I take her home Al?' she nodded after a bit of hesitation.
Crutches were handed over and medication was prescribed, and then you were out into the fresh air.
'Let's go home.' Kara pressed a kiss to the side of your head as she helped you hobble over to the car.
'We're not flying?' You asked.
'No. I don't want to hurt your foot any more than it's already hurt.' Kara said sincerely.
'Okay babe.' You knew when not to question her, and now was one of those times. She looked drained.
And that's when you realised she had her supersuit on.
'Kara, please tell me you went home in the past week.' When her blue eyes met yours, you could see the truth.
'I couldn't leave you alone. I'm sorry.' She buried her head in her hands and another sob escaped.
'Hey. I'm here. I'm fine. It's okay. Let's go home and we can cuddle in bed okay?' You struggled to wrap your arms around her at the odd angle and the gearstick in between you, but managed.
'Okay. That sounds nice.' She hastily wiped her tears away and drove home.
The next morning, you woke to a smiling Kara.
'Hey love.' You said, stroking her face.
'Is this a dream?' She asked sleepily.
'No. I'm here.' You replied.
'Good.' She burrowed further into your body.
'Hmm. Come on, knowing you, you'll be hungry in a minute.' You said, pulling away to get out of bed.
'Noooo. I want more cuddles.'
'Cuddles after breakfast.'
'Promise.' You sealed it with a kiss, and then got up and walked to your bedroom door.

For @KaeleighDarmanin
Thanks for the suggestion! Sorry it took so long!

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