It's all yours (Lena)

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'(Y/n) where are you going?' Lena shouts after you.
Fuck. You continued to run/ speed walk as fast as you could in your heels, desperately trying to force yourself away from the overwhelming waves of emotions.
'(Y/n)!' She shouts again but you keep moving, your chest heaving with the weight of... all of your feelings.
Unluckily for you, she has had to wear heels way more in her life so can function better with them on. That's how she easily catches up with you and places a tentative but firm hand on your shoulder.
The familiar spark her touch creates through your nervous system makes you force your arm away.
She looks hurt by your actions and it tears you apart.
Her gala dress clings to her body as she inhales deeply, trying to get air into her lungs.
'Why... are... you running... away?' She says in between pants.
'It's nothing Lena. Please just let me go.' You couldn't get into it. You couldn't. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to stop yourself from admitting the feelings you held down.
'No... you are obviously upset by something.' She could read right through your lies and it stung but in a beautiful way. She clearly knew you well enough to know when you're telling the truth.
'It's nothing Lena. Seriously I'm fine.' You breathed deeply to try and level your mind. It always wandered to other places, full of a future and love, when you were talking to Lena.
'Why did you leave the gala then?' She said.
'I was feeling claustrophobic.' You lied again, pushing down the guilt it created.
'I know you. You don't get claustrophobic. What is it?' Lena made a move to take your hand but you knew it would be too much. You stepped back slightly, silently showing her you didn't want her to touch you.
The despair evident on her face made your heart crumble, but you couldn't do anything about it. After all, this was your best friend who you happened to be in love with. Deeply in love with.
'Nothing. It's nothing.' You were letting your guard slip slowly, maybe deep down wanting to just throw out the words you had been wanting to say.
'It's clearly not nothing (Y/n). Come on talk to me.' Lena looked into your eyes.
'I can't talk to you about it Lena.'
'Wh-what? Why not?' Of course she would be upset. You guys talked about everything to each other.
'Because- because I just can't!' You didn't know how to explain it. How to not break and shatter your friendship whilst doing it. And you looked into her caring green eyes and couldn't bring yourself to tell her. Because that could mean loosing her.
'You can tell me anything!' She was shouting now. Out of anger or hurt you didn't know.
'Not this! I can't tell anyone this!' You shouted too, a defence mechanism.
'Why not?!' She was getting frustrated now. You could tell. Her eyebrow was slowly rising with her voice.
'It will ruin us! And I may as well have you as this than not have you at all!' It was slipping out and you didn't know how to stop it or if you even wanted to stop it. It was torturous to only be friends. Not kissing the confident smirk, the sad frown or the happy smile every day was like dying inside.
'What are you trying to say (Y/n). Please just... tell me.' She had quietened now. Her soothing voice crashed over you and you felt peaceful, even though this was the most nervous you had ever been.
'There's... there's a place in my brain. I guess there's a place in my heart as well.' You took a breath and bore your eyes over her beautiful features as it might be the last time you see them. 'And It belongs to you Lena. It's all yours.' You shuddered out a relieved breath, finally acknowledging the emotions that had clouded over you for the past year.
'So what your saying is...' she trailed off.
'I love you Lena Luthor. And not in a friendship way. It's more than that. It's always been more than that for me.' Your anxiety skyrocketed as she stood in silence.
'Say something.' You said after standing watching her. It felt like hours but in reality it was only a couple of minutes before she moved.
She moved elegantly and flawlessly, like she had when she had danced with James at the ball. James. That was the whole reason why you ran away from the ball. Seeing her with someone else tore you apart.
But in the present she moved with urgency and courage. She didn't stop moving until her gorgeous body was flush against yours. It burnt a fire inside you. She didn't stop moving until her lips were feverishly touching yours, as if she had been waiting and waiting for you to say those words. She didn't stop moving until her warm tongue was dancing with yours. And this dance wasn't like hers and James'. It was filled with passion and joy. You realised now, with her lips tangled with yours, that she wasn't really with James. And the hope that was surging through your every fibre was overwhelming.
She pulled back a second and you desperately shoved down the whimper from the loss of contact.
'I love you too.' Was all she whispered before reconnecting your lips.
Three years later...
You watched over the crowd that ebbed and flowed with ease around each other. Riches were on full display, the obvious need to look better than everyone around them suffocating the room and people in it. You hated galas. Always had.
A hand on your lower back brought you back to where you were standing.
'Sorry. One of my investors dragged me into the most boring conversation of my life.' Lena looked at you with an all consuming smile.
'It's okay.' You replied, simply happy to be back in her presence.
'Can we get out of here?' She asked. It was silly, as this was her gala, so you should be asking her. But she had obviously read your body language and tone. It was easy for her too as she had analysed them both for so long.
'Please.' You took your wife's hand and followed her through the thick double doors, not caring to look back at the confused guests.

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