Sleepy (Alex)

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You swung into the open balcony tiredly, barely able to not stumble and fall flat on your face. You rubbed your eyes, desperately trying to get the soot out of them.
'Hey guys sorry I'm late.' You mumbled to the slightly blurry blobs that had appeared in your vision.
'Hun, you look exhausted.' The blob closest to you breathed out. You could tell it was your wife's voice from anywhere, even if you couldn't see her beautiful face.
'I am exhausted.' You teetered slightly but Alex quickly grabbed onto your arm to stabilise you.
'Oh darling.' She murmured in adoration.
'Sorry. I um need a shower. I probably smell.' You said, wanting nothing more than curling up in your wife's embrace but knowing you had rubble, dust and charred pieces all over you.
'Next time, you should have let me come and help.' Another blob came into view, and you guessed it was Kara.
'I didn't want you to miss out on games night.' You could practically see the disapproving looks on both your wife's and sister in laws faces.
'We'll talk about that later. Go and have a shower.' Alex gently pushed your body towards your bathroom, not before placing a soft kiss on a patch of clean shoulder of your suit.
You stripped groggily and slowly, and washed yourself even more sluggishly.
By the time you got out, your skin was clean and your eyes had drooped further, barely open.
You walked into the living room, and could actually see your surroundings a bit better now, even if you had to open your eyes.
'Where did everyone go?' You asked Alex as you shuffled over to her and placed your head on her shoulder and wrapped your arms around her.
'I sent them home.' She soothed up and down your back through the towel.
'Why?' You asked, already knowing the answer.
'So we can go to bed and you can get rest.' She said as she detached herself bar her hands and dragged you towards your bedroom.
Your eyes were struggling to stay open as she quickly dried your hair a little, and fell completely closed when she lay you back in bed and crawled over to tuck herself in your side.
'Well done for today by the way. I love you.' She whispered, pressing a firm kiss to the side of your head.
'Thank you . I love you too.' You replied sleepily, and the last thing you remember before falling deep was the quiet 'sweet dreams' Alex said into your hair.

For @marylinmansonmadness
Thanks for the suggestion! Sorry it's short.

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