Belong to you part 6 (Alex)- some smut if you squint

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When the movie ended and everyone left, Kara and Lena went straight up to her room and you and Alex to Alex's. From the look in Kara's eyes and the 'the no hearing carries on till morning?' you got before they closed the door, you knew what they were getting up to.
As soon as the door was closed to Alex's room, she pinned you to it.
'That was unfair.' She breathed so close to your face.
'It was hot.' You breathed back.
'You made me all bothered and I couldn't do anything about it.' She practically snarled. This was new.
'I've been a bad girl Alex.' You whispered, watching as her eyes turned darker.
'I guess I'll have to punish you then.' She said, and proceeded too.
There was something so powerful to her, dominating someone who is easily way stronger than her, she said later, when you were both heaving air in.
A few months ago, she had proudly showed you a strap on she had secretly bought. It didn't break when you orgasmed, and your love grew when she shyly told you she may've adapted its properties so it's basically indestructible.
It was a few days after your 2 year anniversary, all of your group having gone to the same college out of coincidence and the fact you were all incredibly smart, when you saw the news that made your heart stop.
You and Alex had rented a flat to live in whilst at college, your parents giving you practically nothing due to sort of disowned you after you told them about your relationship but Alex's paying a lot of it. You had also gotten a job to pay your fair share, not letting the Danvers pay for all of it.
You were sitting with Alex, cuddling on the couch and she flicked to the news chanel.

This just in. A mysterious looking meteorite just hit earth close to the town of Midvale. Scientists are going to have a look. Updates will be given shortly.

Said the news anchor.
'Shit that's close to Midvale. That's exciting.' Alex said, snuggling more into your side.
'Mhm.' You said.
A few hours and one film later, Alex went back onto the news to see if there were any more updates.

The meteorite seems to hold people. And not be a meteorite at all. It is a pod. The rescue team is currently helping survivors out of the crash. We are told just now there are two passengers and both are alive and well. Who are these people? And where are they from? More updates coming soon.

'That's odd. It sounds a lot like...' Alex trailed off.
'Like what love?' You nudged her but she was looking into space.
'Like what happened to you and Kara.' She finished off.
'What?' You whispered.
'You don't think...'
'It can't be. Everyone died from the virus.'
'Did they? Are you sure? Because you left before it finished didn't you?'
'No. It's not possible.'
'It could be-'
'Alex. Stop.' You snapped.
'Oh. I'm sorry.' She said quietly.
'I- I can't get my hopes up. I can't think that.'
'Yeah no okay.' She said, tugging you back into her side.
Hours later, you woke up from a dream. A dream of your old planet and your parents. You checked the news. Just in case you told yourself. You left Alex in bed and clambered over to the tv.

The people from the pod have identified themselves as the king and queen of a planet called Nautice.

Was all you heard before blood was slamming into your head and you had to stabilise yourself on the countertop. Holy God in heaven.
You looked back to the tv and saw them. Your parents. Looking dusty and confused. Your eyes were crying before you even processed it and you stumbled back over to the bed.
'Alex. Alex wake up. We have to go.'
'What?' Was the sleepy reply.
'Wake up. We have to go. Right now.'
'Why?' She said, more awake now thanks to your tone of voice.
'My parents. They're here. They were on that pod Al.'
'Yes really. Get your ass up.'
'Hold on a minute.' You huffed, about to pull her up yourself if you had to.
'What is it Alex? We have to go!'
'Take a breath okay? This is going to be overwhelming for you.' She said, standing up and placing her hands on your cheeks.
You did as she said, and melted when she thumbed away tears.
'Okay. Let's go.' She said, smiling at you and grabbing the car keys.
The drive to Midvale was longer than you remembered and you were anxious the whole way there.
Alex tried to make conversation, but you couldn't hold it at all.
When you finally arrived, you saw the press and the massive crater the pod had left in the ground.
You jumped out and sped over to a police car parked near.
'Where are the two people that were in the pod?' You asked an officer.
'Why should we tell you?'
'Please I need to know.' You said, eyes frantically searching for any sign of them.
'Nope. Not gonna happen. Now go.' You watched him turn away from you and as you did, spotted a massive white tent set up in the perimeter of the hole. Bingo.
You tugged Alex's hand and ducked under the police tape, ignoring the shouts of protest and running feet.
You surged into the tent and was met by the sight of two police officers, a med team, and in the middle of them two pairs of familiar eyes.
'Holy shit.' You whispered, watching as your mom and dad looked over at the rustling and their eyes widened.
'Little one?' Your mom said, eyes brimming with tears.
'Mom.' You said on an exhale, striding over to her with purpose. The police officers didn't stop you as you walked past and into your mothers arms. You felt a second strong pair of arms wrap around you. Tears fell fast and hot down your cheeks, and you held on tightly.
They pulled away and looked down at you.
'(y/n)... you've grown so much.' Your dad said, ruffling your hair like he did when you were younger.
'I've missed you so much.' You choked out before lunging at them again.
Their fond chuckles rumbled through your body and you cried harder.
It was an hour later when you finally let go, grabbed Alex's hand, and introduced her to them.
'Mom, Dad, this is Alex, the woman I love.'
'It's nice to meet you Alex of Earth.' You mom said and pulled her into an unexpected hug.
You cried some more when you heard Alex getting along so well with them, and cried again when you heard your dad whisper in Alex's ear that 'you better marry her and make a good wife to her one day' and Alex relied with a soft 'I promise'.

And she stuck to her promise. 2 years later, you married under the stars at the back of her parents house's garden, where you had first kissed years ago. Your parents stood proud, and goofily pronounced you as queen and queen at the after party.
Carl came, to your complete surprise, and even gave you a hug. Kara and Lena of course were there, with their daughter Lily. And the rest of your friends and family were there too. You and Alex had a kid a year later and you taught him all about your planet with help from your parents. You looked over at Alex, still half asleep trying to eat her breakfast without falling into it but still lacing her fingers with yours, and you know that she is where you belong.

If there are any errors, sorry. This story took so long and I don't even know if I like it that much but here we are. Leave your thoughts and feedback!

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