Neighbour (Alex)

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You're a famous singer and move into a new apartment...
You hummed to yourself as you hauled another heavy box up your stairs. Moving to your new apartment was not really a choice, but a forceful shove. Paparazzi had followed you home and found out where you live and at the same time almost finding out what you look like off the stage. A wig and makeup were surprisingly amazing covers, and much like Hannah Montana, you separated the normal you and the famous you. It wasn't easy, many people harassed you for information on your personal life, but you had kept with it.
After the final box had been put down, you flung yourself on the big bed next to the wall and sighed.
The walls of this apartment were obviously thin as you heard a bunch of voices laughing and talking in the apartment next to yours. So your neighbour had friends, good to know they weren't some lonely creep that could take notice of you too much.
The next morning...
Your alarm woke you up with the first few beats of a song. As you went through your morning routine steps, you started to absentmindedly singing along to the playlist you had set. When your favourite song came on, you were belting the lyrics in perfect harmony with the singer. Once it was over, you smiled to yourself, forever grateful for your gift of singing. You grabbed your water bottle after making sure your running shoes were tied up properly and opened your door.
You continued to hum quietly as you locked your door before looking up. You hadn't realised you had company. A tall, gorgeous red haired woman stared at you, smiling lightly.
'Hey, you must be my neighbour. I'm (Y/n).' You stuck your hand out for her to take, pushing down the tingling feeling when she took it in hers.
'Hey. I'm Alex. Nice singing.' She commented, causing a faint blush to appear on your face.
'Oh my gosh I didn't wake you did I? I'm so sorry I sort of get lost in the music.'
'It's fine really. You have a great voice.' She said.
'Thank you. Anyway got to run. It was nice meeting you Alex.' You said, trying to hide the widening grin on your face.
'See you round (Y/n).' You heard her say as you walked past her.
You had the whole day to prepare yourself for the concert tonight, but still found yourself rushing back to your apartment to find your lucky hairbrush.
Outside your door you bumped into Alex again.
'Oh hi again (Y/n). In a hurry?' She asked with a smile.
'A little bit yes.' You replied.
'Where too?'
'A umm- a concert?' You said it as more of a question, hoping she wouldn't think too much into it.
'Oh well have fun.' Alex said.
'Thank you!' And for the second time that day, you ran off away from your beautiful neighbour.
A few months later...
You and Alex had had a few run ins, enough to call each other friends. Well, you wanted to be more but you were not planning on telling her about your little crush anytime soon. That's why you weren't that surprised when she called you through the wall to ask you to games night at hers tonight with some of her friends. You hadn't got any concerts or meetings planned for tonight so you agreed to it.
After chucking on a bit of makeup, hopefully not enough to be recognised as (your stage name), you walked the few steps to her door and knocked.
'(Y/n) you made it!' Alex said as she dragged you inside.
'I said I would and I keep to my promises.' You replied with a smile.
'(Y/n) this is my sister Kara. She's the only one here so far.' Alex introduced me to a blond woman with glasses. She looked a hell of a lot like your friend Supergirl. You and Supergirl had gotten close after one of your concerts and bonded over your need to hide your identities.
'(Your stage name)?!' Kara said with wide eyes. You stood in shock. Damn it you had been recognised.
'Hmm Kara she does look a bit like her you're right.' Alex said and you thanked the lord that she was oblivious at that moment.
Kara however narrowed her eyes at you and silently asked you to follow her into the kitchen.
'Alex I'm just going to show (Y/n) your drink selection. You should probably wait to see if anyone else turns up.' Kara said whilst still looking at you.
'Okay.' Alex said.
Once the door had shut to the kitchen, Kara said,' Seriously you look a lot like (your stage name) are you sure you're not her?'
'I could say the same, Supergirl.' You replied, knowing there really wasn't any way you could hide from Kara/ Supergirl and also knowing she most definitely looked the same as your friend.
'H-What- I don't know what you're talking about?' She stuttered.
'Kara come on. We both know who each other is. Drop the act.'
'Fine. Does Alex know who you are?' Kara exhaled
'No. No one does. Well no one should.'
'I think you should tell her.' Kara said with a hint of caution in her tone.
'And why would I do that?' You asked.
'Because she's your friend!' Kara said, but you knew from her voice that wasn't all.
'Kara I have other friends who don't know. I can't just go around telling everyone.'
'Okay well, ugh Alex is going to kill me. You didn't hear it from me, but she may or may not have a crush on you.' She released.
'Seriously?! Yes oh my god.'
'What? Oh rao you like her too?' Kara couldn't contain her excited squeal.
'Maybe I do. Does this mean I have to tell her?'
'Yes. I told Lena before we got involved with each other and I'm glad I did. It would've been way more difficult if I hadn't.'
'Lena? As in Lena Luthor? Nice catch.' You said as Kara blushed slightly.
'Come on. Alex will probably get suspicious. She doesn't have that many drinks to look at.' Kara tugged you back into the living room where a bunch of people had arrived. After introductions were made, the games might began. As you were paired up with Alex, you had the opportunity to sit close to her. Every so often, your hands brushed against one another and you felt the familiar tingle. At one point, she hugged you tightly when you had won and it felt a shock through your whole body. After the night was over and you were leaving, she hugged you again but for longer this time. You melted in her embrace before making the quick decision to kiss her lightly on the cheek. When you got to your door, you looked back to see her touching where you had kissed with a small smile.
One week later...
You had decided that getting caught is way easier than having to sit down and say it, so you got dressed up in your concert stuff. This could end badly if anyone recognised you as the famous singer, but it was worth it so you didn't have to keep hiding it from Alex. When you heard her get up to leave her apartment for whatever reason, you did too.
She opened the door and you followed suit and then you were facing her shocked expression.
'Wait I didn't know (Y/n) was friends with a famous person? That is awesome.' She said, still staring.
'Wow Alex. Come on. Connect the dots.' You said, sighing and laughing at the same time.
'How do you know my name. Hold on... (Y/n)???' She addressed you. Yay, she finally got it.
'Yeah. It's me.'
'What- how- how did I not notice?' She asked more to herself.
'It's amazing what makeup and a wig can cover up.' you shrugged.
'The singing! Oh it all makes sense now. And when you said you were going to a concert it was your own?!'
'Yeah.' You giggled at the memory. 'But please don't tell anyone. I only decided to tell you because...' nerves ate the rest of your sentence.
'Because...?' She let her question hang in the air but had a smirk on her perfect face. That smirk was enough to make you lung into her, grabbing her face forcefully her gently at the same time.
You looked into her eyes for a second, silently asking for her consent. She gave it to you by crashing her hot lips against yours and pulling you back into her apartment. A trail of clothes were left through her home as you guys made your way to her bed.
The next morning...
You woke up to a room that looked like yours but with different decorations. For a second you forgot where you were but as you shifted, a memory flooded your brain.
'Oh god Alex.'
Her fingers were inside of you, three of them to be exact. She curled them, causing your toes to curl and the tension in your stomach to reach unbearable.
'Right- right there. Fuck!' You screamed as she finally pushed you off of the edge.
As you moved, you could almost feel her fingers inside you again. Your movement caused Alex to stir, who had her legs intertwined with yours.
'Good morning gorgeous.' She mumbled.
'Good morning.' You replied with a soft smile.
'Hmm good thing we're neighbours because the people next door would've definitely heard you last night.' She giggled through her raspy morning voice.
'Hey I was not the only vocal one last night. I distinctly remember a lot of 'Yesssss' and 'don't stop. Don't stop' from you,' you mimicked her moans.
'Okay. Okay whatever.' She tightened her arm around your torso.
'I'd like to hear those sounds again.' You said seductively, getting out of her grasp only to straddle her.
'Would you now? Well thankfully, I didn't cum 5 times, only 4 so I'm not sore enough to do it in the morning. You however, are probably aching.' She tried to suppress a cocky grin but failed.
'I intend to make you ache Alex Danv-'
The door burst open.
'Alex, what's wrong? Your heartbeat is really high-' Kara stood frozen in the doorway.
'(Y/n)?!' She said.
'Kara get out!' Alex shouted and tossed a pillow at her whilst you laughed.

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