3AM (Alex)

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You woke up to an empty bed and looked over at your clock. 3AM.
You looked around groggily for a sign of your wife and saw her standing out in your balcony in a hoodie and some pants.
You tear yourself off the bed and slowly padded towards her.
A T-shirt and pants were not enough to protect you from the cold wind and you shivered before wrapping your arms around Alex and snuggling into her warm back.
'What's up?' You whispered, sleep still clawing at you.
'Couldn't sleep.' She said resting her head on the top of yours as you nuzzled your face into the side of her neck.
'Why not?' You murmured into her soft skin.
'It's nothing.' She tried to sound convincing, but knew that you could see right through it. After 5 years of knowing her, you could read her like the back of your hand.
'Liar.' You said with a playful tone, knowing she will eventually tell you what's bugging her but you don't want to pressure her.
'Ugh you caught me.' Silence fell over you and her as you waited for her to say the unspoken problem.
It was a comfortable silence, with your head neatly tucked under hers and your nose gently in contact with her neck.
'I- I was meant to be the star.' She started and you waited patiently to continue.
'I- it annoys me so much!'
'What does honey?' You asked gently.
'She does something incredible and kind and I can't help but feel angry!' You had seen the save your sister in law had done today. It would go down in history that's for sure. You knew Alex loved Kara, but she had often confided in you about the jealousy she held against her.
'She's my sister! She's family. I don't want to hate her. I shouldn't hate her. All she does is good. But sometimes I just hate her (Y/n). I can't help it.' She breathed out a heavy breath, almost as if she was holding it all in.
'Hey,' she turned around at your soft tone and pressed her forehead against yours,' you can love someone and hate them Alex. It's okay.'
'But I shouldn't hate her! She literally does nothing wrong.' She started to pull away but you took a light hold of her neck to keep her near.
'Shhh. Alex, you aren't doing anything wrong here either.'
'Why am I still jealous of her (Y/n)?' She asked you the question like you were the only one that could answer.
'Because you still compare yourself to her. You, Alex Danvers, are the prettiest, smartest, strongest and funniest person in my eyes. And my eyes are the only eyes looking at you right now, so they should be the only ones you care about.' You exhaled.
'I don't think I'll ever stop comparing myself to her.' She confessed.
'I know you won't. But I'll never compare you to anyone else. Because in my eyes, you are my hero. You always will be.' You hoped your eyes would convey the truth of your words.
She silently leaned in and brought her warm, moist lips to your own.
When she pulled away, a singular 'thank you' slipped out.
You resisted the urge to shiver at the coldness, and just as you were about to extend the idea of going back to bed, a red and blue streak came into view.
As it came closer, you felt Alex shuffle uncomfortably, her head still connected with yours.
Kara floated a few feet in the air.
'Alex, (Y/n) is everything okay?' She asked, concern lacing her voice.
You felt Alex turn her head slightly to address her sister.
'Everything is fine. Well done for today. I'm proud of you.' She smiles up at her sister faintly.
'So am I.' You said, still tracing Alex's features with your eyes.
'I love you guys. Thank you. I'm going to go sleep. I'll see you at the DEO tomorrow?' She asked.
'Yeah. Love you Kara.' You both said simultaneously.
When you heard her fly away, Alex looked back at you.
'I wouldn't have been able to say that if it weren't for you.' She gracefully and slowly ran her finger along your face.
'What can I say? I'm good at the whole wife thing.' You grinned at the laugh you sought out of her.
'You really are.' She said and pulled you into another kiss.

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