Have you ever been in love (Lena)

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'Have you ever been in love?'
You stare at Lena as the other girls ooo, as if that was a good question to ask.
You touch your finger to your lip, half to fake thinking and half to watch her green eyes trace your movement and turn slightly darker.
'Yes.' You admit.
'Duh you're like what 20!' Kara shouted, basically falling onto Alex as she tried to grab another handful of crisps.
'I'm 25 actually.' You huff back.
'Yeah yeah baby.' Alex says, waving you off.
'Just cause you're all grandmas.' You mumble, not quiet enough as Kelly slaps your shoulder.
'Hey. A mother, yes. A grandmother, absolutely not.' She shuddered and snuggled further into Alex's side.
'Sorry can we go back to you having been in love. With who tell us all the details!' Kara bounced.
'You really want to know?' You glanced quickly to your right, and at the sight of a subtle nod and a squeeze of a warm hand, you breathed in.
'So it's this woman.' You started off.
'It is? As in present tense?' Alex leant more forward, clearly intrigued.
'Yep. She's gorgeous, got long dark hair.' You carry on, watching as Kara, Kelly, Alex and Nia's smiles grow in excitement at the build up.
'She's smart as well. God her brain is beautiful.'
'She sounds great but we need a name dude.' Alex said.
'Nope. I won't give a name.' You shake your head as you watch there faces drop.
'What the fuck?'
'Why not?'
'For real?'
'Yep. I'll wait until you can figure it out. It's more fun that way.' You smirked.
A warm tongue tangled with yours and the stifled moan that came from the back of Lena's throat made your heart skip a beat and your skin heat up.
'We need to stop doing this here.' Lena whispered, her breath catching when you licked into her mouth mid sentence.
'I can't keep my hands off you.' You said, trailing a hand down her front and untucking her shirt from her slacks.
'I know it's- fuck.' Lena leant forward heavily onto your shoulder and let out a ragged breath as your hand slid into the front of her slacks.
'It's?' You grinned as she moaned quietly into your shirt.
'Hot.' She breathed out, pulling her head up and kissing you as your fingers wandered.
20 minutes later you emerged from the closet of the DEO, slightly less put together than when you went in.
'Stay here for 5 minutes babe. I love you.' You said, pressing a firm kiss onto those lips and closing the door.
'Alex hey!' You stumbled into her, your heart rate picking up.
'(Y/n)! What are you doing here?' She asked.
'Just going to the toilet.' You lied, hoping she didn't realise there were no toilets around.
'Want to walk with me to the table? I need to go over something with you.'
'Yeah of course.'
'Hang on.' She stopped you.
'You have a, is that lipstick?' Alex poked at the corner of your lip.
'Nope. Must be a stain from lunch.' You mumble, quickly wiping it off.
'Okay let's go.'
'Okay. Yep. I love you babe see you in 5.' You hung up, grinning as your heart rate beat steadied for the first time in 20 minutes. Even Lena's voice makes it spike.
'Ooooo is that the mystery woman?' Alex asked, startling you out of your seat.
'Maybe.' You smirked.
'And she's coming in 5 minutes? I have to be here to find out who she is.' She rubbed her hands together.
'Alright if you insist.' You smile, hoping she'll finally figure out when Lena arrives.
But when she did, Alex simply gave her a hug.
'What are you doing here Lee?'
'Oh just coming to visit this one over here.' She pointed at you and you chuckled.
'You're just in time to see (y/n)'s mystery lover.' Alex said.
You face palmed and took Lena's hand.
'Actually me and Lena have got to go, lunch reservations. See you soon Al.' You leave a perplexed Alex standing in the middle of the DEO.
'So what happened to your mystery woman? You left before she could arrive and she didn't come afterwards.' Alex started.
'I just don't get it.'
'It's like she doesn't exist. Are you making her up?'
'Babe there you are.' Lena walked up behind you and wrapped her hands around your waist.
'Hey love.' You gave her a quick kiss, turning around just in time to see Alex's jaw drop.
'What. The. Fuck.' She exclaimed.
'You're so oblivious.' You slapped her on the shoulder, snuggling back into Lena's warm body and your cheeks heated at the fact her hips were fully flush with yours.
'I did not see this coming. I have to text the groupchat.' Alex muttered.
'No you don't. I've already texted them.' Lena chuckled, showing you a picture of Alex's shocked face she must've taken behind your back.
'Oh god.'
You laughed, watching Alex reply to the girls about how stupid she was and your heart warmed when she finally admitted how happy she was for you.
You simply gave Lena's shoulder a kiss and told Alex how happy you were.

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