Rain (Kara)

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You trudged home in the pouring rain. You had disregarded sprinting 20 minutes ago and simply embraced the cold and wetness, realising no matter how long it took you, you'd still be soaked through. You were numb, all of you. Your fingers and toes shook but you could hardly register any movement.
Sighing for the 100th time in the space of that hour, you looked up to see if you were any closer to home. Thankfully, you saw the familiar street sign and found your apartment building with your eyes in no time.
When you got into the building and headed for the stairs, you slightly slipped and caught your elbow, making you take a sharp intake of breath.
'Ouch.' You muttered to yourself as you walked up the rest of the stairs, making sure you didn't slip again. Blood was trickling out of the cut and was blending in an unattractive way with the rain water. And it was your favourite shirt, white to be precise. It was definitely ruined.
You finally got to your apartment door and opened it to see two forms huddled on your sofa with a blanket around them.
'Oh shoot I forgot it was sister's night.' You said mainly to yourself but also to the two women sitting watching tv.
At the sound of your voice, the movie was paused and a light was turned on.
'I'm really sorry I can go to Lena's she's probably wondering where I am anyway.' You carried on, knowing it wasn't that big of a deal but Kara and Alex needed their catching up time every week.
And it was yours and Kara's apartment but you went to Lena's every Tuesday to give the sisters their privacy.
'Oh my god (Y/n) you're soaked!' Kara said as she was about to hug you.
You stepped back, not wanting to get her wet as well.
'Hey don't worry. It's fine real-' you were about to finish but was cut off by your own cough. You had already anticipated a cold coming from your walk.
'Text Lena and tell her it's too wet for you to get to hers.' Alex instructs.
'But I don't want to intrude on sister's night!' You said mainly to Kara. Ever since you had moved in together, you had sworn to never be there on Tuesdays as Alex was an important part of her life.
'Don't be silly. You're basically my sister anyway.' Alex said, warming your heart. 'Just don't make out in front of me.' She added with a small laugh.
'Okay well I'm going to go change into dry clothes and shower.' You gave in, feeling yourself shiver and knowing you shouldn't go back out.
'Don't be too long. I missed you today.' Kara said with a bright smile you couldn't help but reciprocate. As Alex walked back to the sofa, Kara quickly pressed her lips to yours.
After you were out of the shower, you still felt way too cold and put on your favourite sweats and one of Kara's comfy hoodies.
Kara and Alex sat on the sofa like they were before you came in so you opted for the seat next to it.
The sofa was big enough for all of you but you didn't want to feel like more of an intruder, even in your own home.
For the next half an hour of the film they had started, you shivered uncontrollably for most of it and sniffled here and there. You cursed yourself for getting a cold so easily and cursed your weak immune system. After what felt like the 100th sniffle, Kara looked over at you concerned.
'(Y/n) come here. Let me warm you up.' She said.
'Eww gross you guys are not getting it on when I'm sitting in the same room.' Alex gagged.
'Not like that Alex. Please, come sit.' She said with concern lacing her voice.
You said nothing, knowing your voice had probably turned gravely at this point but shuffled off the chair and next to her on the sofa.
She instantly wrapped her strong arms around you and pressed her incredibly warm body against yours.
'Aliens are way warmer than humans.' You croaked out with difficulty.
'Don't worry I'll heat you up in no time.' She whispered into your hair that was quickly drying against her.
'Thank you. I love you.' You murmured and coughed at the end as it had strained your voice.
'I love you too. But stop talking, you'll loose your voice.'
By the next morning, your voice had disappeared into a tensed whisper. Kara called in sick for both you and her, and she looked after you.

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